Keys When We Face a Big Bad Problem

As servants of Allah Ta'ala, all human beings in this life will not be spared from other trials, either distress or pleasure. It is the laws that apply to every human being, believer or unbeliever. Allah the Exalted says: We test you with both good and evil as a trial (in truth), and you will be returned only to Kamilah ( Surat al-Anbiya '/ 21: 35) Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said: "(The meaning of this paragraph) that: We test you (O man), sometimes with disastrous and sometimes with pleasure, so we see who is grateful and who disbelieve, and who are patient and who despair". LIVING WITH HAPPINESS Allah Ta'ala in His knowledge of the Highest and His wisdom of the Most Perfect degrade His law to mankind for the good and welfare of their lives. Therefore, only to cling to religion in whom one can feel the joy of life that is essential in the world and...