
Showing posts from April 3, 2016

Pregnant Women Who Menstruate (Haid)

On general, if a woman pregnant will stop menstruation (periods). Imam Ahmad rahimahullah said: "women can know their pregnancy with the cessation of menstruation". If a pregnant woman having blood just before birth (two or three days) with the accompanied pain, then the blood is the blood of parturition, but if it happens long before the birth or the approaching birth but not accompanied by pain, the blood was not the blood of childbirth. If not postpartum blood, whether it included the menstrual blood that applies to him the laws of menstruation or so-called dirty blood that the law does not like the laws of menstrual blood? there are differences of opinion among the scholars on this issue and opinion is correct, that the last blood is menstrual blood if it occurs in women in their menstrual period. Because, in principle, blood coming out of a woman's uterus during the menstrual blood is no reason to reject as menstrual blood and there is no information in the Qur'a...

Law Of Haid (menstruation)

There are many laws of menstruation, there are more than twenty law. but we mention here the laws that we think are needed, among other things: 1. Prayer.  Forbidden for a woman who is menstruating prayers, whether obligatory or sunnat, and if it turns out prayers, her prayer is not valid. The chant, takbir, beads, tahmid, and bismillah when about eating or other work, read the hadith, fiqh, prayers and said Amiin, as well as listening to the Qur'an, it is not forbidden for menstruating women, it is based on the hadith in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Muslim and other books that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam never leaned room Radhiyallahi Aisha' anha who was menstruating,  and she read the Qur'an. Reported also in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Umm Athiyah radi 'anha that she heard the Prophet shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam said:  "یخرج العواتق وذوات الخدور والحيض - یعني إلى صلاة العيد - وليشهدن الخير ودعوة المسلمين ویعتزل الحيض المصلى" "Com...

Menstrual Age By Scholars

Menstrual age is usually between 12 to 50 years and the possibility of a woman already get your period before age 12, or still get your period after the age of 50 years. It all depends on the conditions, the environment and climate that influence it. The scholars, divided as to whether there are restrictions special for menstrual age, in which a woman does not get your period before or after that age?  Ad Darimi, after mentioning the opinions on this issue, said: "this is all, in my opinion wrong. Therefore, the reference is the presence of blood. No matter how it is, under the condition however, and at any age, blood shall be judged as menstrual blood and only Allah the All-knowing ".  Ad Darimi opinion is correct and a choice Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. So whenever a woman getting menstrual blood meant she had her period, though he was not yet up to 9 years of age or over 50 years.  For Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger  associate menstruation laws on ...

Blood Besides Haid Habits

1. Increase or decrease in menstrual periods  For example, a woman is usually a period for six days, but suddenly her period lasts up to seven day atau more, usually a period for seven days, but suddenly the sacred in the past six days. 2. Forward or backward period when menstruation  For example, a woman is menstruating at the end of last month suddenly period comes at the beginning of the month. Or normally menstruating at the beginning of the month, then suddenly period comes at the end of the month. The scholars differed in menghukumi both of the above. But the opinion is right, that if a woman getting blood (menstruation) then he is in a state of menstruation and if it does not get mean he's in a state of dry, though her menstrual period exceeds or is less than habit. And has been mentioned in the previous chapter's argument that reinforces this opinion, namely that God has linked the laws of menstruation to the existence of menstruation. That stance is Imam ash-Shafi'...

Definition Hibah (Gift) By Islam

The word Hibah comes from the Arabic word (الهبة) which means giving a person does when he is still alive to others without reward (free gift), either property or no property. Among this word is used in the word of God عزوجل: وإني خفت الموالي من ورائي وكانت امرأتي عاقرا فهب لي من لدنك وليا. يرثني ويرث من آل يعقوب واجعله رب رضيا And indeed I was worried about mawaliku after me, while my wife is barren, so give me from You a son who will inherit me and inherit the family sebahagian Ya'qub; and make it, yes Rabbku, one who approves (QS. Maryam / 19: 5-6). While understanding the grant by the Ulama Jurists, submitted Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di رحمه الله with the phrase: تبرع بالمال في حالة الحياة و الصحة Giving free treasure alive and healthy. (Minhajus Salikin, p. 175). Thus the notion of awarding a grant is made by a person to the other parties do when they were alive and in good health. The handover of the property given it done on time penghibah still alive. Imam an-Nawawi رح...

Law Of Gift By Islam

This grant is prescribed Allah as described in the Qur'an and Sunnah and has become the consensus of the Ulama. The proposition of the Qur'an is the word of God عزوجل: وآتوا النساء صدقاتهن نحلة فإن طبن لكم عن شيء منه نفسا فكلوه هنيئا مريئا Give dowry (dowry) to the women (whom you marry) as a gift with full compliance. Then if they deliver to you as part of the dowry was happy, then eat (take) granting it (as food) are savory again good result (QS. An-Nisa '/ 4: 4) In this verse Allah عزوجل justifies eat anything that comes from gift. It shows that the grant allowed. Meanwhile, in the words of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم aplenty, including the words of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم: تهادوا تحابوا Mutual give you, surely you love each other (HR. Al-Bukhari in al-Adabul mufrad no. 594. The hadith is considered authentic by al-Albani in the book of al-lrwa ', no. 1601) Likewise, the word he صلى الله عليه وسلم: والعائد في هبته كالكلب يعود في قيئه People who withdraw it...

Definition Of Illah

Discussed in terms of language, says Illah consists of three letters: Hamzah, Lam, Ha '. This word based on dictionary reviewed in Arabic as follows: a. الهت إلى فلان (alahtu ila fulan) = I tend to so and so. b. اله الرجل ياله (Alihar-rajulu - ya'lahu) = The man was expected of someone who could help him, because struck by a disaster. c. اله الرجل إلى الرجل (Alihar-rajulu ILAR-rajuli) = This guy is looking for someone that, because really miss him. d. اله الفصي ل (Alihal fashilu) = Foals (or so) do not want to split up than their parents. e. اله, الهة, الوهة (Alaha, Ilahatan, Uluhatan) = devoting devotion. f. اله (Ilah), is a fraction and said لاه, يليه, ليها (Laha - Yalihu - Laihan = Protection. And the above explanation, it is understandable that the word Alaha, Ya'lahu, Ilahatan mean surrender or mentitipkan himself so safe and secure. To get to safety or the guarantees it, there are a prerequisite. And the word (al-Ilah) means that (al-Ma'bud) = ...

Urgency Of Ilmu'

Urgency of ilmu in the life of a believer who fear is something that can not be denied. because faith itself is identical with the ability to realize the knowledge of shohih (right), which comes from the Qur'an and Sunnah according to the understanding salaful Bernie (the predecessor of this people). Allah Subhaanahu Ta'aalaa God says: "O mankind, worship your Lord who created you and those before you, so that you become righteous." Ilmu is maintain to reward Ilmu is something that is most valuable for every Muslim, because ilmu will maintain its owner and is a heavy burden that is not innate, even enhanced when given or used, and is a practice that will keep flowing reward. The main foundation before say and do good. Ilmu has a great position in this din, therefore ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah make Ilmu as the main foundation before speaking and do good as mentioned by Imam Bukhory rahimahullaahu ta'ala in shohihnya "Chapter silmu before say and do good....

Methods For Searching Knowledge

1. Read the book and talaqqi With the reliable reading books written by the scholars of the famous scientific, trust them and their beliefs survived the heresy-heresy and superstition. Studying the science of the book directly make a person gets what he headed, but learn from the book directly has two main drawbacks, namely: First; It takes a very long time, effort, and most earnestly that will get the knowledge he wants in this case the majority of people are not strong to carry it out, especially when he saw the surrounding neighborhood where many people are wasting their time in vain. Thus affecting become lazy, dismissive and skew. So he does not get what he expected. second; That people learn from the book directly science weak, did not wake up on the rules and ushul, we find mistakes that many of the people who learn from the book directly. Because science is not above the rules and ushul upright. 2. Learn to teachers that believed in science and religion.  It is much faster ...

Legal Foundation Of Hizbut Tahrir

On Taisir Musthalahul Hadith by DR. Thahhan Mahmud, said: Hadith of the arrival of us there are two, namely Mutawattir and Ahad. Khobar Mutawattir is narrated by a group of narrators lots (each thobaqot not less than 10 people in the opinion of the elected) who by custom is not possible they agree to lie. While khobar khobar that ahad is not to the degree mutawattir. The cornerstone of these two traditions into lansadan for the Hizb in dealing with Shari'a law based on texts of both the proposition qoth'iy and dhonniy. Hizb stated in the book ad-Dusiyah things. 3: "There are differences between the laws of the shari'a and judge actions from the side of aqidah proposition. Sy ar'iyyah laws may be assigned to the argument and allowed the proposition dhonniy qoth'iy except aqidah, because it should be set to the argument qoth'iy, can not be set to the argument dhonniy iota. Aqidah should not be taken with the argument but must be sure, if the argument qoth...

Definition Of Rabb

Word of (Rabbun) رب, consists of two letters: Ra 'and Ba' shadda. The word is a fraction of the word (Tarbiah), education, care and so forth. Otherwise, it includes a lot of sense, namely Power Equipment, Accountability, Repair, Improvement and so on. Therefore, the word is a prediket for a greatness, majesty, power and leadership. Below are some examples of its use among the Arabs: 1. Educational Assistance, Improvement Said the Arabs: الولد ربى (Rabbal walada) = He maintained the child, educate, nourishes. الرب (Ar-Rabbu) = stepfather, educator. الربيب (Ar-rabibu) = Adopted children, stepchildren, a protégé. مربب, مرب (Murabbab, Murabba) = Medicine or herbal deliberately stockpiled for a period of time in order to increase power gunaannya. And said: (Rabba, Yarubbu, Rabban) = helpful. help, melengkapai or meet. As an example: (Rabban-ni'mata) = Increase its assistance so meet the desires and satisfying. 2. Collect, Move, Prepare Said the Arabs: فلا ن يرب الناس (Fulanun ya...

Definition Of False Oath

Definition Fal se oath or perjury Arabic is al-yaminul ghamus. The sense is the oath a lie on purpose, either in case that has happened, or is happening, or will happen, either with a form of rejection or confirmation. For example, swear by saying, "By Allah! I did not do it", and he realized that he had done so; Or say, "By Allah! I have done", but he did not. Or say, "By Allah! I do not have a debt to you!", And he has a debt to those who talk to. (See al-Mausu'ah al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah, 7/282) Imam Adh-Dhahabi said, "I swear false (ghamus: plunging) is a vow made by a person who deliberately lied in sworn. Known ghamus (misleading) because of this oath plunged the person who swore it was in sin, some say, plunge into hell" , (Al-Kaba-ir, p. 102). Allah mentions perjury use his name with the term swap of God's promise and oath with little price. Allah Almighty says: "Those who sell the promise of his (her with) Allah and the o...

Poison Of Heart By Islam

The Prophet said, "You know, in the body there is a lump of flesh. If he is good, then good also the whole body. And if it is broken, then broken also the entire body. Know that it is the heart " (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Abu Hurairah said, "The heart is the king of limbs. And member of the body is the soldiers. If the king is good, then good also the soldiers. And if the king rotten, rotten then also the soldiers " The heart is the king. The whole body is executing all his command are always ready to accept direction. Activity was not assessed correctly, if unintended and intended by the heart. At a later date, the heart will be asked about his soldiers. For every leader was responsible for the lead. So, pay attention to and rectifying the heartis most important case to taken seriously by people who are on the path toward God. Similarly, to assess heart diseases and methods to treat it, is the main form of worship for devout. Parable of the heart, is like a fortress...

The Biography Of Saykh Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani

He is Shaykh Taqiyuddin bin Ibrahim bin Ismail Rahimahullah an-Nabhani, an Islamic thinker who is affected by the sound belief Asha'ira, Maturidiyah and Mu'tazila. He is the grandson of a shufi ghulat (Sufi extreme) y ang famous, Yusuf bin Ismail's Nabahani, author of the book Jami 'Karomaat al-awliyaa' and Syawahidul Haqq fil istighotsah bi sayyidil kholqi filled with anomalies shufiyyah widely adopted sultanate Utsmaniyyah. Shukri Sheikh Mahmud al-Alusi have argued in Ghoyatul amaaniy fi Roddi 'alan Nabahani. He was born in 1905 in the village of Ijzim, near the town of hyphae. He memorized the Koran and learning fiqh to his father, Sheikh Ibrahim an-Nabahani Rahimahullah. He is an alumnus of Egypt's al-Azhar University and has served as Qodhi in the Shariah Court, and in 1950 he became a member of the Court Isti'naf ash-Sharia. Date December 10, 1977 he died in Lebanon to leave a bouquet that is quite a lot and work a reference benchmark and ideas of ...

The Biography Of Shaikh Salim al-Hilali

He was an ash-Shaykh al-Muhaddits Salim Abu Usama bin Eid al-Hilaly as-Salafi al-Atsary, one student reliable al-Imam al-Muhaddits al-Allama Muhammad an-Nasir bin Nuh al-Albany Najaty Rahimahullah. He was born in the year 1377H / 1957M in al-Khalil, Palestine. He now lives in Amman, Jordan with students comprise the Albany Imam Imam Markaz Albany. He included scholars' very productive once wrote books and other scientific articles, among his works are: - Mausu'at al-Manahy ash-Syar'iyyah FII shohih as- Sunnah an-Nabawiyah amounting to 4 volumes, translated under the title Encyclopedia ban by Reader Imam Shafi'i new one volume. - Bahjatun Nadhirin Syarh ar bi-Riyadhis Shalihin totaling 3 volumes and has been translated under the title Syarah Riyadhus Righteous by Reader Imam Shafi'i. - Limaadza ikhtartu al-manhaj as-Salafi who has translated the title Selecting Manhaj Salaf by Reader Imam Bukhari. - Al-Jama'at al-Islamiyya fi dhou'il Kitaabi was Sunnah that h...

Fitnah, And How To Resolve It

1. Where the defamation has emerged and circumstances have changed then it is obligatory for us to be gentle, be careful not to rush and polite. This is an important rule, namely: a. Gentle, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said in a hadith shohih: "It is not gentle it is on anything except the good will and it is not something that he was deprived of anything unless he would be bad". Experts say ilmi: word of this he (not she was on to something unless he would be good) word (شيء / something) is common, he came after the annihilation context, this requires that includes everything, that that tender was commendable in all circumstances. And in the hadith else the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily, Allah loves gentleness in all things" this he said to' Aisha bint As-Siddiq and Imam Bukhari one title in his book ash-shohih: "meek chapter in all cases". b. Be careful not to short-tempered and rude, because y...

Jihad And Terrorism By The Indonesian Ulema Council

1. Terrorism is a crime against humanity and civilization which poses a serious threat to the sovereignty of the state, the dangers to security, world peace and detrimental to the welfare of society. Terrorism is a form of organized crime as well (well organized), is trans-national and classified as an extraordinary crime (extra-ordinary crime) which does not discriminate between the target (indiskrimatif). 2. Jihad contains two meanings: All efforts and utmost efforts and willingness to endure hardship in combat and resist enemy aggression in all its forms. Jihad in this sense is also called al-qital or al-harb. All efforts were earnest and sustained and exalt the religion of Allah (li i'laai kalimatillah). 3. The difference between Terrorism and Jihad a. Terrorism: 1) Its destructive (ifsad) and anarchy / chaos (faudha). 2) The goal is to create fear and / or destroy      other parties. 3) Do without rules and targets indefinitely. b. jihad: 1) Its improvement (for reco...

Foster The Spirit, Keeping Your Diet

Back again to discuss health, the next step after exercise motivation is to maintain a healthy diet. But many of the comments, keep eating it was very heavy and difficult. To avoid such a suggestion, there are several points to note, in order to maintain your diet is not heavy, including: 1. Read the composition If you consume food or beverage packaging pay attention to composition. Avoid drinks or foods that contain sodium, artificial flavorings or preservatives. If it is food / drink your favorite then do not consume excessively. 2. Read the nutritional value When consumed, consider also the nutritional value. Usually listed on the packaging directly or the side of the packaging. Put very important nutrient for the body especially if we eat and snack irregular. Try consumption has vitamins A, B, C, B12, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Protein, etc. 3. Serve the Special Menu Keep your fund and use it to buy a special menu every week. For example, three kinds of fruit in a bowl, milk b...

Foster The Spirit of Sport

Health is the main thing. Because it's a milestone for engage in various activities. If our body have sickly, then all activity will be disrupted. Because of it health should be maintained as possible. Here are some tips for maintaining health: 1. Sport Motivation  Exercise is very important to maintain a healthy body. But to make that all happened,  is motivation. Discover a compelling reason to exercise. Try to look another man who have sick. When we have friends, relatives or impressions on television about people who are sick, do not hesitate to see it. Because from there emerged a strong feeling and the desire to have a healthy body. 2. Measure-height and body weight Weigh and measure your body, then  known height and ideal weight at your age. If you look at the lack or excess body itself then it will grow the desire to have the ideal body. 3. Exercising together If you are hard to resist feeling lazy to exercise. Then invite people who are important to accompany suc...

Danger Of Debt By Hadith

Many Muslims underestimate the debt. They are comfortable with their debt and "wrapped around" him. Honestly, some people life  can't released from debt. Before the first loan is paid off, then they wants to borrow again for the second, third and so on. If this is allowed, then will be protracted and would be "transmitted" to other people in the vicinity. Moreover, with the number of facilities to debt provided by the institutions, bodies or companies embracing system of usury. And worse, not only lay people involved with things like this, people who have long chant, wise men and rich people also "participated". Na'uudzu billaahi dzaalika min dzalik. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam very scared and very frightened owe if it becomes habit. Why is that? It was narrated from 'A'ishah radhiyallaahu' anhaa, that he preached, "Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam often prayed in his prayer: اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذا...

Definition Of Taqlid

Definition: On language: وضع الشيء في العنق محيطا به كالقلادة "Putting something in the neck by wrapping him like a bridle." By the term: اتباع من ليس قوله حجة "Following the words of the words is not evidence." Out of our words (من ليس قوله حجة) "person whose words not proof": Ittiba '(follow) the Prophet sholallohu alaihi wa sallam, follow ahlul ijma', and follow the companions if we say that the words of the companions of these are reason, then follow one of it is not called taqlid, as this is Ittiba 'the evidence. But sometimes referred to as taqlid of the majaz and expansion of language. Places occurrence Taqlid: (مواضع التقليد) Taqlid can occur in two places: First : a taqlid (muqallid) is a layman who is not capable of knowing the law (ie air-istimbath and istidlal) on their own, then it is obligatory for him taqlid. Based on the word of Allah Almighty: "Then ask the person who has knowledge if you do not know. "[QS. An-Nahl: 4...

Ordinances Pray Based On Hadith

As a Muslim, pray is an important things, because it is a word spoken to God Almighty and Wills. But keep in mind pray, there are procedures. Several verses in the Qur'an. The manners and ordinances pray as follows: Full Tadharru '(humble), Khasyya '(fear), Sukuun (calmness), Husnul Adab Wa Ta'aala Tabaaraka ma'al Haq (courtesy on the All-True God, Giver Blessed and Most High). Procedures are exemplified by the Prophet. 1. Raising both hands and say it to the face - after praying "Do not shut down the wall. Anyone who saw the book his brother without prior permission, verily he looks into the fire of Hell. When you ask God, then lift up the palms of the hands, not by way of reverse it. And when the prayer is finished then usapkanlah on your face. "Said the Prophet. which retold by Ibn Abbas ra. (HR. Abu Daud). 2. Concentrate yourself with confident hearts, that your pray will be granted. "Pray you to God. And rest assured...