Evidence Islam Went Into Afghanistan Since Chaliph Umar Bin Khatab

Afghanistan is a republic in Central Asia which borders with Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tadžikistan in the north, China to the northeast, Pakistan to the east and south, and Iran in the west. In Encyclopedia of Islam explained most of the Afghan population is a mixture of various nations of immigrants, such as Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Mongolian, and other Asia. There are 20 ethnic groups with different languages and cultures, but united by the official languages Pushtu and Dari (Persian). The largest ethnic group is Pushtun (Pathan) and Tadzik. Together, they account for about 70 percent of the entire population. Human life in Afghanistan began about 52 thousand years ago. John Ford Shroder in Afghanistan Archived mention, archaeologists have discovered ancient human habitation in Afghanistan has been going on about 50 thousand before Christ (BC). The artifacts have shown that indigenous people work as farmers and herdsmen. They classify themselves into tribes an...