Definition Of Ilmu'

a. According to the language (Arabic): al-Ilm opposite al Jahl (do not know or stupid). (See Lisanul Arabic) Or: knowing something in its natural state with certainty. (Kitabul Ilmi page 11). b. According Glossary: Science we mean here is Syar'i Science is the science of the explanations and instructions that God Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa revealed unto His apostle (or in other words the science of al Qur`an and Sunnah).Studies mentioned in (al Qur`an and Sunnah) and get praise is the science of revelation (Kitabul Ilmi page 11). However, it does not mean that the other sciences that there is no benefit. Other sciences is said to be helpful when viewed from one side (the good) that is: if it helps in obedience to God Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa and the champion God and beneficial for the Muslims. Sometimes the law learn to become mandatory, if it is included in the word of God Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa: "And prepare against them whatever force you are able of of horses tethe...