3 Defamation Damaging Islam Today

We know that the day will come when the world is destroyed. Before that, the Dajjal will come to corrupt the morals and beliefs of people, mainly Muslims. One's faith will be turbulent manner can melt. Until, that is not a person of faith, it's easy to fall for the ruse. But, you know, that before that happens will arrive persecution that befell the Muslims? Yes, slander it is one sign of the end times. And now, there are three persecution while attacking Muslims. And difficult to remove, because it is hereditary. What are they? Quoted in www.infoyunik.com, that the three of defamation consists of: 1. Defamation Ihlas The first persecution of Muslims surrounded the persecution and murder of war between fellow Muslims. In the old days these events stems from the murder of Caliph Uthman bin Affan. From then until now there are many Muslims who are engaged in conflict and war. This is in accordance with the words of the Prophet ﷺ that once a believ...