
Showing posts from September 11, 2016

Islam Is Accused Bloody Religion, This is The Data And Fact

I have browsing on some sites, and when read they article about islam is make me angry and emotional. Because they vilify islam so bad. They say islam is radical religion, bombing, kill many victim, bloody religion and many others. I know that's all not true, when i give some verse and hadits about real islam they reject and chided it because not same with nowadays.  How i can answer that statement with good answer so they stop mock islam so bad? Vilify Islam Have Exist From Beginning Vilify Islam actual activities that already exist from earlier, ie since the Prophet Muhammad was sent first in the Arab lands. The Arabs Jahiliyah the endless sense to prevent people from get guidance. There is no just reason for them to vilify Islam, including personal vilify the Prophet Muhammad. Sometimes they say Muhammad was a madman, sometimes they are witches, sometimes they poet and not infrequently they also said that the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW is obtained from...

What is Khamar? Did All Alcohols Including Khamar

We all know that wine and alcohol that is drunk forbidden. But the question is whether the wine and alcohol that excrement? Back to Definition Of Khamar All scholars agree that it is forbidden to drink Khamar , because it has been forbidden by the Quran, Sunnah and ijmah clergy. يسألونك عن الخمر والميسر قل فيهما إثم كبير ومنافع للناس وإثمهما أكبر من نفعهما They ask thee concerning khamar and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some benefits for humans. But sin is both greater than the benefits.... (QS. Al-Baqarah: 219) But the scholars have different opinions when talking about whether it is legal khamar unclean or not. In essence, scholarly agreed to enter khamar as excrement, but there are also some scholars who did not defile. Does Alcohol Haram Or Najis/Unclean? The scholars differed on whether alcohol or not. Some say alcohol is unclean because alcohol was none other than alcohol, so that all liquor laws also apply to alcohol. However, most scholar...

Basic Rules For The Committee Qurban? Where Permissible And Forbidden

I happen to be elected as chairman of the committee slaughtering qurban animals in the office. In some meetings, in the midst of friends committee often disagreement related to several things, both of which can and can not. Finally we agreed to collect the materials which we differ and we ask the chaplain we agreed as a resource. Here are some of the questions raised, please answer. Is there Qurban Committees in the period of the Prophet Muhammad? What Can Be Lumped With notch Committee of Zakat? Give Committee Honor Or Wage? If permitted Given Wages, From Where Source Of Money? Financial Resources Committee That Forbidden? Why the Committee Forbidden to Sell Meat Animal Qurban and body part? Do committee Including Own Animal Qurban? 1. Are there Committees Qurban in the period of the Prophet Muhammad? If we refer to the time of the Prophet Muhammad, in fact we will not find a form of sacrificial committee as we know it on our own time. And in the futur...

Hajj Without Husband Or Mahram, Allowed?

It was great to be able to leave for the holy land, but I am also sad at the same time. It's nothing, because it turns out I can not leave with my husband, for one reason.  Should I cancel the pilgrimage or hajj intention remains to continue? I want to ask, can a woman go on the pilgrimage to the holy land is not accompanied by a mahram or husband? If do for example, I am still desperate to leave as well, if I would sin and if I did Hajj valid? The scholars differed on women's legal hajj, whether it should be accompanied by a mahram or without a mahram. Here are the details: 1. Should the Mahram Generally, the scholars requires for a woman to have a mahram accompanying during the pilgrimage. This requirement is the basis for some of the hadith the Prophet the following: عن ابن عباس عن النبي r قال لا يخلون رجل بامرأة إلا مع ذي محرم.فقام رجل فقال: يا رسول الله امرأتي خرجت حاجة واكتتبت في غزوة كذا وكذا قال ارجع فحج مع امرأتك From Ibn Abbas radhiyall...

Biography Of Imam Syafi'i

Name and Ancestry Imam Shafi'i He named Muhammad Abu Abdillah. Ancestry complete he is Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-'Abbas ibn 'Uthman bin Shafi' ibn as-Saib bin 'Ubayd ibn Zayd ibn Hashim ibn Abd al-Muttalib bin' Abd Manaf ibn Qusai. His ancestry met the Prophet by Abdu Manaf ibn Qusai. By doing so, he still including biological relatives still unaccounted for descendants of the Prophet's uncle away to him, namely Hashim ibn al-Muttalib. He was from day came (An area in the region Tihamah on the way to Yemen). He is a man dispossessed. Initially he lived in Medina and then moved and settled in 'Asqalan (seaside town in the Palestinian territories) and died in a state still young there. Shafi ', ​​the grandfather of his grandfather, his name became a source attribution -which he (Shafi) - according to some scholars was a friend of Shigar (junior) of the Prophet. As-Saib, Mr. Shafi ', ​​itself included kibar friend (senior) who has a phys...