The Biography Of Shaikh Salim al-Hilali

He was an ash-Shaykh al-Muhaddits Salim Abu Usama bin Eid al-Hilaly as-Salafi al-Atsary, one student reliable al-Imam al-Muhaddits al-Allama Muhammad an-Nasir bin Nuh al-Albany Najaty Rahimahullah. He was born in the year 1377H / 1957M in al-Khalil, Palestine. He now lives in Amman, Jordan with students comprise the Albany Imam Imam Markaz Albany. He included scholars' very productive once wrote books and other scientific articles, among his works are:
- Mausu'at al-Manahy ash-Syar'iyyah FII shohih as- Sunnah an-Nabawiyah amounting to 4 volumes, translated under the title Encyclopedia ban by Reader Imam Shafi'i new one volume.
- Bahjatun Nadhirin Syarh ar bi-Riyadhis Shalihin totaling 3 volumes and has been translated under the title Syarah Riyadhus Righteous by Reader Imam Shafi'i.
- Limaadza ikhtartu al-manhaj as-Salafi who has translated the title Selecting Manhaj Salaf by Reader Imam Bukhari.
- Al-Jama'at al-Islamiyya fi dhou'il Kitaabi was Sunnah that has been translated in part (a copy of the original book was translated in two volumes, and volumes all 2 not out) with the title Jama'ah- Jama'ah Islamiyya by Reader Imam Bukhari.
- Ar-Riya'u which has been translated under the title Riya 'by Darul Falah.
- Mukaffirotu adh-Dzunub FII dhow'il Qur'an wa al-Karim al-Muthoharoh Sunnatis Shahihah which has been translated under the title 45 charity sin by Progressive Reader.
- Shifatu Shoumin Prophet (coauthored with Shaikh Ali Hasan, has been translated by Reader Imam
- Al-Ghurbah wal Ghuroba '
- Al-Qobidhuuna'alal Jamar
- Genealogy of ahadith laa ahla alhu
- Al-Jannah fi Takhrijis Sunnah
- Nashhul Ummah ummah fi fahmi ahaaditsi iftiroqil
- Iqodhul Humam (muntaqo Jami'il 'Ulum wal Hikam)
- Al-La'aali al-Mantsuroh bi-Thoifah awshoofi ath al-Manshuroh
- Al-Adillah wasy Syawahid
- Qurrotul 'Uyun fi tashhih interpretation Abdullah bin' Abbas
- Basho'ir dzawis nerve bisyarhi marwiyati manhajis Salaf
- Kifayatul Hifdhoh Syarh al-Muqoddimah al Muqidhoh fi 'Ilmi Mustholahil Hadith
- Al-Maqoolaat as-Salafiyyah fil creed wad Da'wah wal wal Manhaj waqi '
- Munadhorot as-Salaf
- Halawaatul Faith
- Said Hawwa Mu'allafaat dirosatan wa taqwiiman
And many more of his writings in the form of books and scientific articles that have not been translated to hundreds.
He also included one of the founders of al-Asholah magazine and served as head of the editorial. Every year -insya Alloh- he came to this country give presentations to the du'at and asatidzah Ahlis Sunnah in the "Ad-daurah al Ilmiyyah fi wal Masa`ilil Aqodiyyah Manhajiyyah" organized by Ma'had Ali Al- As-Salafi Irsyad Surabaya cooperate with Markaz al-Imam al-Albani Jordan.

“Ada Apa Dengan Hizbut Tahrir, Tanya Jawab Bersama Syaikh Salim Ied Al-Hilaly, Alih Bahasa to indonesia Abu Salma Al-Atsari, page 11-13

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