Four Kings Of The World

Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

Information about the king of the world No 4, is mentioned in a lot of history, among other things,

[1] History of Muawiyah radi 'anhu,

ملك الأرض أربعة: سليمان بن داود وذو القرنين ورجل من أهل حلوان ورجل آخر

Kings of the earth there are 4: Sulaiman bin Daud, Dhul-Qarnayn, Someone from Halwan population, and one other person. (HR. Mustadrak al-Hakim in 4143 with no comments from the ad-Dhahabi)

[2] History of Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma, in marfu' (sayings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam),

ملك الأرض أربعة: مؤمنان وكافران; فالمؤمنان: ذو القرنين وسليمان, والكافران: نمرود وبختنصر, وسيملكها خامس من أهل بيتي

King of the earth there are 4, two believers and two unbelievers. For two kings believer, Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Sulayman. While the two kings who disbelieve: Namrudz and Bukhtanshar. And the earth will be controlled by someone from experts baitku. (Mentioned Ibn Jawzi in al-Muntadzam fi at-Tarikh)

[3] History of scholars Successors, Muhajid bin Jabr - senior disciple of Ibn Abbas - said,

ملك الأرض مشرقها ومغربها أربعة نفر: مؤمنان وكافران, فالمؤمنان: سليمان بن داود وذو القرنين, والكافران: بختنصر ونمرود بن كنعان, لم يملكها غيرهم

King of all the earth, from east to west there are 4, two believers and two unbelievers. Two king believer, Solomon the son of David and Dhu'l-Qarnayn. Two heathen king, Bukhtanshar and Nimrod bin Kan'an. (History in tafsirnnya Tabari, 5/433).

Who are they?

First, Sulaiman bin Daud as.

He was a prophet once king among the Children of Israel. His name is mentioned 17 times in the Koran.

He was called by God as a servant of the best and diligent grateful,

ووهبنا لداوود سليمان نعم العبد إنه أواب

"I gave to David's son, Solomon. He is the best of the servant and he is very obedient. "(QS. Shad: 30)

Regarding the greatness of Solomon apart from a miracle that he had not counted. You can get in a lot of the al-Quran.

Second, Dhu'l-Qarnayn (One Of Who Prisoned Ya'juj And Ma'juj)

Lengthy story about the king Dhu'l-Qarnayn mentioned by Allah in the final letter of al-Kahf. His power has reached the end of the east and west of this earth.

ويسألونك عن ذي القرنين قل سأتلو عليكم منه ذكرا, إنا مكنا له في الأرض وآتيناه من كل شيء سببا

"They will ask thee (Muhammad) concerning Dzulkarnain. Say: "I'm going to read you a story challenged" Verily, We have given power to him in the (face) of the earth, and We gave him the way (to reach) all things. "(Qur'an, al-Kahf: 83-84)

He invites people to convert to Islam and combat reject Islam.

Do Dhu'l-Qarnayn a prophet?

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said,

وقد اختلف في ذي القرنين فقيل كان نبيا, وقيل: كان ملكا من الملائكة, وقيل لم يكن نبيا ولا ملكا, وقيل: كان من الملوك. وعليه الأكثر

There is a difference of Dhu'l-Qarnayn, some say, he was a prophet, some say, he was an angel. And some say, not a prophet and not the Angels. And some say, he was only a king, and this is the majority opinion of scholars. (Fath al-Bari,)

There is a hadith of Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu, in marfu' (sayings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) stated,

ما أدري أتبع أنبيا كان أم لا, وما أدري ذا القرنين أنبيا كان أم لا

I do not know whether Tubba 'was a prophet or not. I do not know, whether Dhu'l-Qarnayn was a prophet or not. (HR. 104 Hakim and Baihaqi 18050)

Third, Nimrod bin Kan'an

Namrud a pagan king ruler of the whole earth from the east end to the west end. He claimed to be God and ask worshiped. Never argue with Ibrahim about god, and he lost. He told God in the Qur'an,

ألم تر إلى الذي حاج إبراهيم في ربه أن آتاه الله الملك إذ قال إبراهيم ربي الذي يحيي ويميت قال أنا أحيي وأميت قال إبراهيم فإن الله يأتي بالشمس من المشرق فأت بها من المغرب فبهت الذي كفر والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين

"Have you not seen those who disputed with Abraham about his Lord (Allah) because Allah had given him the government (power). When Ibrahim said: "My Lord is The Life and Death," the man said: "I can turn on and off". He said: "God causes the sun from the east, then terbitkanlah him from the west," then terdiamlah infidels; and Allah does not guide the unjust people. "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 258)

Fourth, Bukhtanshar

King Bukhtanshar a pagan rulers who invaded the Children of Israel. Killing many Muslims among the children of Israel. Successors cleric, Said bin Musayib said,

Bukhtanshar attacking Syria, burn Baitul Maqdis, and kill them. Then he went to Damascus and killed thousands of Muslims among the Children of Israel.

(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 5/48)

God knows best.


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