Definition of Indigenous And Urf

According to customary meaning of the language is a way (behavior, and so on) that has become a habit. whereas customs are: code of conduct that is eternal and passed down from one generation to another generation as an inheritance, so that a strong integration with patterns of behavior. This word comes from the Arabic word العادة with the same meaning.

As according to the terms of religion, the scholars differ in defining customary expression. Among those mentioned definition is, "things are repeated over and can be accepted by reason and nature is healthy" so, according to a religious term, not all cases that repeated re-called indigenous, but must be received by nature and common sense.

Indigenous include individual habits and customs of the people. Habits crowd also known as' urf (العرف). Thus, the term is more common custom of 'urf; because the term 'urf is only used to show habits of many people, and does not include individual habits. So the difference between indigenous and 'urf, but both are equally used and taken into account in determining the law syar'i.

As according to the terms of religion, the scholars differ in defining customary expression. Among those mentioned definition is, "Matters that recur again and can be accepted by reason and nature is healthy" Thus, according to a religious term, not all cases that repeated re-called indigenous, but must be received by nature and common sense.

Indigenous include individual habits and customs of the people. Habits crowd also known as' urf (العرف). Thus, the term is more common custom of 'urf; because the term 'urf is only used to show the habits of many people, and does not include individual habits. Thus the difference between indigenous and 'urf, but both are equally used and taken into account in determining the law syar'i.

Source: " Pedoman Penggunaan 'Urf Dalam Menetapkan Hukum Syar'i ", by Ustadz Anas Burhanuddin, MA., P 16-17
Translated by writer

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