Blood Besides Haid Habits
1. Increase or decrease in menstrual periods
For example, a woman is usually a period for six days, but suddenly her period lasts up to seven day atau more, usually a period for seven days, but suddenly the sacred in the past six days.
2. Forward or backward period when menstruation
For example, a woman is menstruating at the end of last month suddenly period comes at the beginning of the month. Or normally menstruating at the beginning of the month, then suddenly period comes at the end of the month. The scholars differed in menghukumi both of the above. But the opinion is right, that if a woman getting blood (menstruation) then he is in a state of menstruation and if it does not get mean he's in a state of dry, though her menstrual period exceeds or is less than habit. And has been mentioned in the previous chapter's argument that reinforces this opinion, namely that God has linked the laws of menstruation to the existence of menstruation. That stance is Imam ash-Shafi'i schools and a choice Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. Author of the book Al-Mughni, too corroborate this opinion and defend it, he said: "Andikata customs into basic consideration, according mentioned in schools, inevitably described the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam to the nation and not be delayed any longer explanation, because it does not he may procrastinate explanations when required. His wives and other women also require explanation at any time, so he will not ignore it. However, there was no history that suggests that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam never any mention of this custom, or explain it except with regard to women who istihadhah only.
3. Blood are yellow or turbid
That woman is getting her blood is yellow like pus or cloudy between yellowish and blackish. If this occurs during menstruation or concatenated with menstruation before the sacred, then it was her menstrual blood and apply the laws of menstruation. But if it happens after the time of the sacred, then it is not menstrual blood. Berdasarka history delivered by ummu Athiyah Radhiyalluhu 'Anha: "آنا لا نعد الصفرة والكدرة بعد الطهر شيئا" "
We do not consider anything (menstrual) blood yellow or cloudy after a period of sacred"
This hadith narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh sanad. Narrated also by Al-Bukhari without the phrase "after the time of the sacred", but he mentioned in "Chapter Blood Color Yellow Or Murky Outside Period Menstruation" and in fathul Baari explained: "it is a sign of Al Bukhari for integrating the hadith of Aisha stating," before you see the white slime "and the hadeeth of Umm Athiyah mentioned in this chapter, that mean the hadith Aisha when a woman is getting yellow or turbid blood during menstrual periods. As for outside the menstrual period, then according to what is presented Umm Athiyah ". Hadith Aisha is the purpose of the hadith mentioned by Al-Bukhari in the previous chapter, that the woman had sent him a piece of cloth containing cotton (used women to find out if there is still residual stain menstruation) which still contained her blood is yellow, then Aishah said : "do not be in a hurry before you see the white slime" means white liquid that comes out of the womb at the time-out period.
Source: "Darah Kebiasaan Wanita", by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al'Utsaimin, translator to indonesia Muhammad Yusuf Harun, p 11-14
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