Danger Of Arrogant

Humans often proud of all that exist in itself, exaggerated his actions, his property in the show and its ability glorified. And if God revokes it all undoubtedly none is left behind.
Therefore, pride is the great danger. Whatever cultivated man of the mountain if it would be nothing compared with what God has given.
Even if Allah wills to torture human beings, not as God do injustice and unjust, but because God is sovereign over what happens to the whole universe, and because in the act of man himself.
Imagine when God ordered man to always dhikr to Him, whether we could do it without missing a single second. Many things we could not do as a servant to him, but God is not angry and still giving life.
But even arrogant man, with "a little practice" felt he was worthy and meet the good deeds to his Lord. If opened one by one deficiency worship there must be a lot of weaknesses.
If God has shown strength in arrogant people undoubtedly are all silent because of his strength
Hadith Abdullah bin Umar, he said:
The Prophet said: "Allah Taala folded ceiling on the Day of Resurrection, then grasping the ceiling with his right hand, and then said: I am the King! Which of those rulers who are the oppressors? Which people are arrogant? Then he folded the earth with his left hand, and then said: I am the King! Which of those rulers who are the oppressors? Which people are arrogant? "(Saheeh Muslim No.4995)
Therefore be careful to arrogant, because it can make:
1. People forget God
2. Feeling myself enough to get the love and pleasure of Allah
3. Furthermore find ourselves higher than God
Overbearing nature is inherently dangerous, the impact is not only to God but to fellow human beings. Social stratification also can spread hatred of people who behave arrogant. And when doing so, human beings never felt right but feel yourself always true of all the deeds.