Definition Of False Oath
False oath or perjury Arabic is al-yaminul ghamus. The sense is the oath a lie on purpose, either in case that has happened, or is happening, or will happen, either with a form of rejection or confirmation. For example, swear by saying, "By Allah! I did not do it", and he realized that he had done so; Or say, "By Allah! I have done", but he did not.
Or say, "By Allah! I do not have a debt to you!", And he has a debt to those who talk to. (See al-Mausu'ah al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah, 7/282)
Imam Adh-Dhahabi said, "I swear false (ghamus: plunging) is a vow made by a person who deliberately lied in sworn. Known ghamus (misleading) because of this oath plunged the person who swore it was in sin, some say, plunge into hell" , (Al-Kaba-ir, p. 102).
Allah mentions perjury use his name with the term swap of God's promise and oath with little price. Allah Almighty says:
"Those who sell the promise of his (her with) Allah and the oaths of them with a little price. They did not receive a part (reward) in the Hereafter, and Allah will not speak with them and will not see them at day of Judgment and not (too) will purify them. For them a painful punishment. " (QS. Ali Imran / 3: 77)
Word of Allah, which means, "to find a bit ', which is what they get with false oath in the form of property that is less than the world of pleasure and reward of Allah.
Word of Allah, which means, "God will not speak with them ', ie with their pleasant words.
Word of Allah, which means, "and will not see them ', ie with their delightful vision, vision rnenunjukkan affection.
Word of Allah, which means ,, "and not (too) will purify them ', and will not add the goodness and will not rnemuji them. (See al-Kaba-ir, Al-Dhahabi, p. 101)
Asbab al-nuzul Ayah
There is a story that meiatarbelakangi decline in the preceding paragraph, as narrated in the hadeeth:
From Abdullah ra, he said: The Messenger of Allah said. "Whoever lies vowed to take possession of a Muslim, then he would meet God in a state of God's wrath to him". Al-Ash'ath said, "By God it has happened. There has been a problem of land between I, a Jew, he wished for my rights. So I took her to the Prophet. The Prophet said to me," Do you have evidence (witnesses)? " . I replied, "No!" He asked the Jews "Bersumpahlahl" I said, "O Messenger of Allah! Then he would swear and go bring my treasure! "Then Allah, revealed the verse (which means):" Those who sell the promise of his (her with) Allah and their oaths at a price slightly ... until the end of the paragraph . "(HR. Al-Bukhari, no. 2416 and Muslim, no. 138. this wording narrated by Imam al-Bukhari)
Shaikh Basim bin Faisal al-Jawabirah hafizhahullah said, "This hadith provide benefits: a serious warning to those who perjure themselves to take possession of a Muslim. According to all (Muslims), this threat is directed to people who died without repenting, while rnenurut Ahlus Sunnah drawn to those intended by God to be tortured.
The mention of 'treasure a Muslim' in the above hadith does not indicate that the property kafir dhimmi halal or haram (taken in a way that is not justified Shari'ah-red). (Take a treasure kafir dhimmi-ied) was also unlawful, but does not require such a big punishment. The conclusion that the law is a Muslim and infidel dhimmis did not differ on the issue of perjury, the threat of perjury, and making the right both in a way that vanity. However, they differ in the levels of penalty trouble. "(Footnote book of al-Kaba-ir works of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, pp. 100, tahqiq Shaykh al-Jawabirah).
False Oath cause go to hell even though for a little treasure
Keep in mind that the prohibition of taking the property of others is common, include nominal wealth in a large and a small. The Prophet has warned it is in the hadith:
From Abu Umamah ra that the Messenger of Allah said. "Whoever took the right of a Muslim to his oath, then Allah meiwajibkan him to go to hell and heaven forbid him." A man asked, "Even though it's small right, O Messenger of Allah? '" He said, "Although Siwak stick". (HR. Muslim, no. 137)
Copied from As-Sunnah magazine, Issue 07 Thn.XIX_1437H / 2015M
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