Definition Of Taqlid

On language:
وضع الشيء في العنق محيطا به كالقلادة
"Putting something in the neck by wrapping him like a bridle."
By the term:
اتباع من ليس قوله حجة
"Following the words of the words is not evidence."

Out of our words (من ليس قوله حجة) "person whose words not proof": Ittiba '(follow) the Prophet sholallohu alaihi wa sallam, follow ahlul ijma', and follow the companions if we say that the words of the companions of these are reason, then follow one of it is not called taqlid, as this is Ittiba 'the evidence. But sometimes referred to as taqlid of the majaz and expansion of language.

Places occurrence Taqlid: (مواضع التقليد)
Taqlid can occur in two places:
First: a taqlid (muqallid) is a layman who is not capable of knowing the law (ie air-istimbath and istidlal) on their own, then it is obligatory for him taqlid. Based on the word of Allah Almighty: "Then ask the person who has knowledge if you do not know. "[QS. An-Nahl: 43] 
If we didn't have enough knowledge to make decision then  follow the people (scholars) that found more mainstream in science and wara '(caution) or someone called ulama that know about al-qur'an and hadith, if it is similar to the two people (' ulama), then should we choose one among the two.
Second: happened to a muslim that should make fast decision, while we can't do the research then allowed to be taqlid. Most scholars require to allow taqlid: should the problem (which taqlid) not in Ushuluddin (principal religion / aqeedah) is mandatory for a person to believe on it; because the problem aqidah obliged to believe with certainty, and only gave Dzan taqlid (prejudice) and rajih (strong) is that such is not a requirement.

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