Fitnah, And How To Resolve It

1. Where the defamation has emerged and circumstances have changed then it is obligatory for us to be gentle, be careful not to rush and polite. This is an important rule, namely:
a. Gentle, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said in a hadith shohih: "It is not gentle it is on anything except the good will and it is not something that he was deprived of anything unless he would be bad".
Experts say ilmi: word of this he (not she was on to something unless he would be good) word (شيء / something) is common, he came after the annihilation context, this requires that includes everything, that that tender was commendable in all circumstances.
And in the hadith else the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily, Allah loves gentleness in all things" this he said to' Aisha bint As-Siddiq and Imam Bukhari one title in his book ash-shohih: "meek chapter in all cases".
b. Be careful not to short-tempered and rude, because you will not regret it forever if you prostrate, not gentle it is on anything except something that will be good on the mind, to judge and another as it. 
Be careful, said the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to Asyaj Abdul Qais: "Surely there is about you two mannerism that Allah and His Messenger love both of them are polite and careful". Be careful it is commendable temperament, which is why Allah says in the Qur'an Surat Al-Isra ': 11

"And man praying for the offense as he prayed for good. and is human nature in a hurry. "
Ahlu ilmi says: here is no reproach for humans in which they are always in a hurry, the goods-who has the temperament like this is condemned, so that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never in a hurry.

c. Mannered in the face of slander and when there is an atmosphere of uncertainty is something that is very commendable, as politely that one will be able to see any problem with the truth.
Shohih Muslim narrated in the hadith Al-Layth ibn Sa'ad from Musa ibn 'Ali from his father that Al-Mustaurid Al-Qurasy there by his side' Amr bin Al-'As -radhiyallahu 'anhu he said: I heard the Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "At the time of the apocalypse, Rum Nation ( Roman / europe) is the person who most ", said 'Amr bin Al-'As to Al-Mustaurid:"what do you think?" he replied:"Why I did not say anything that is said to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam?" he said: "If that is so then why is because Rum has four temperaments:

  • They are the most patient when facing defamation
  • Those who are most quick to notice when misfortune befalls
Said ahlu 'ilmi: These words are from' Amr bin Al-'As not to praise the Romans and nashara- -people who disbelieve, do not! but to explain to the Muslims existence of Rum and the large number of them until the Day of Resurrection, it is because they are the most polite in the face of slander with politeness they can see every problem as well finish it properly so that they and their group not perish. And this is what is said by As-Sanusy and Al-Ubby in shohih it syarah against Muslims.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam bahwasannya lessen the doomsday will not happen until the Rum became the most, why? Said 'Amr bin al-'As: because they have four temperaments of them is that they are the most polite in the face of changing times and in the face of slander, they were polite, unhurried and not get angry to rescue their friends from murder or defamation, because they know that slander it appears it will happen to them, with a temperament that they survive until the end and become the most.
2. Where slander have looked and circumstances have changed ye jugde to something of such slander or from changes in the state except after knowing a picture of it.
3. A Muslim must hold fast to justice in every case. Allah Jalla wa 'Ala says:
"When you talk then fair although did according to relatives near you." (Surat Al-An'am: 152)
4.  Allah Jalla wa 'Ala Said:
"And hold fast to all the straps (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce disarray, and remember the favor of Allah unto you when you first (period of Ignorance) hostile, then God unites hearts, and then becomes for you for the favor of God, people brothers; and ye were on the brink of hell, then God save you from it. Thus Allah explains His verses to you, so that you may be guided. "
5. The flags are flown at the time of slander both the state flag or the flag of the preachers, it must be for a Muslim to weigh the scales syar'i, Sunnah wal Jama'ah expert scales which weigh him surely whoever scales it would be unfair not be wrong.
So as a Muslim should face defamation. As Allah had commanded in the Quran which becomes a handle and a hadith of the Prophet exemplary one noble character; be gentle, careful and polite.

Source: ”Bagaimana Sikap Seorang Muslim Dalam Menghadapi Fitnah”, the work of Shaykh Ma'ali Sholeh bin Abdil 'Aziz Ali Ash-Sheikh, Al-Ustadz Abu Abdurrahman Thayib, Lc., P 8-17

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