Islam Has Turned Out About Rule Of Lottery
تشرع القرعة إذا جهل المستحق وتعذرت القسمة
Drawing lots is prescribed If Not Caught Eligible And Not Be Divided
Meaning of this rule is when there is an asset or a right, and not in the know who owns such property as well as who is most entitled to such rights, while property and those rights can not be divided, it is provided on one of them by using lottery. Which came out the lottery then he eligible people.
Examples of the problems treasure:
If there is someone who finds luqothoh (treasure) stuff, and then he announced. The two people, each one (of the two claimed that he had the goods, and both refer to the characteristics of the goods properly and there is no proof that reinforces one of them, and the goods are not possible in for, then to determine the rightful between them used a lottery system. Its getting lottery that is entitled to the luqothoh goods.
Examples in addition to treasure:
There were two people fighting to become priests pray at a mosque that does not have a resident priest. After visits between the two turned out to be the ability of both the Qur'an, the Sunnah as the same, also aged as well as all other priests selection criteria exactly no difference between the two, while it's imam prayer is something that may not be shared, then the moment as it used a lottery system,
Proposition Rule
This issue is based on two verses and some traditions صلى الله عليه وسلم.
The verses of the Qur'an, then عزوجل Allah says:
فساهم فكان من المدحضين
"Then he took toss and then he was among those who lost the toss. (QS. Ash Shoffat / 37: 141)
This verse relates to the story of Jonah عليه السلام when he went out from his village and then boarded the ship filled with cargo. Qoddarulloh there are huge waves that shook the ship, so that the charge should be reduced, a short story end there should be one of the passengers were thrown into the sea, it is made as sweepstakes and lottery is finally coming out of Jonah عليه السلام.
Also the word of Allah عزوجل:
... إذ يلقون أقلامهم أيهم يكفل مريم ...
"When they throw their arrows (for the raffle) who among them will maintain Maryam. (QS. Ali Imron / 3: 44)
This verse relates to the story of Bani Israil desire to take care of Mary, then finally made a lottery to determine who is most entitled.
Law-making side of the two verses: Allah Ta'ala say this story in the Qur'an, while the stories contained in the Qur'an about the prophets and the people before Islam, then it can not be separated from the three possibilities, first: we deny Shari'a like the story of the brothers prostration of Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام against him, it is forbidden for the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم forbade it. Second: Shari'a we set, then this includes among Shari'a us, like the story of khitannya prophet Ibrahim, fasting prophet Dawud and others, and the third: Not subject to Shari'a we were set nor deny it, then this bit is disputed by the scholars', which rajih insha Allah included as part of our law.
While the problem of both verses minimum incoming third part, although actually entered the second part, because the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم set and use a lottery system is in many occasions. Among them:
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها, قالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أراد سفرا أقرع بين نسائه, فأيتهن خرج سهمها خرج بها معه
From Aisha said: "When the Messenger wanted to do Safar, so he drew his wives, who came out undiannya then he safar with him." (HR. Bukhari)
عن عمران بن حصين, أن رجلا أعتق ستة مملوكين له عند موته لم يكن له مال غيرهم فدعا بهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فجزأهم أثلاثا ثم أقرع بينهم فأعتق اثنين وأرق أربعة
From lmron bin Hushoin bahwasannya someone liberate six slave when he was approaching death, and he has no possessions except the sixth slave, then the Messenger called them and he divided them into three parts and then he gambled, he finally liberate the two and the four fixed be a slave (HR. Muslim)
عن أبي هريرةأن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: لو يعلم الناس ما في النداء والصف الأول, ثم لم يجدوا إلا أن يستهموا عليه لاستهموا
From Abu Huroiroh bahwasannya the Messenger said: "If the man knows the reward in the first call to prayer and shof then they can not get except by raffle, they will raffle ..." (HR. Bukhari, Muslim 615 437)
And there are many other hadiths such.