Law Of Gift By Islam

This grant is prescribed Allah as described in the Qur'an and Sunnah and has become the consensus of the Ulama. The proposition of the Qur'an is the word of God عزوجل:
وآتوا النساء صدقاتهن نحلة فإن طبن لكم عن شيء منه نفسا فكلوه هنيئا مريئا
Give dowry (dowry) to the women (whom you marry) as a gift with full compliance. Then if they deliver to you as part of the dowry was happy, then eat (take) granting it (as food) are savory again good result (QS. An-Nisa '/ 4: 4)
In this verse Allah عزوجل justifies eat anything that comes from gift. It shows that the grant allowed.
Meanwhile, in the words of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم aplenty, including the words of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم:
تهادوا تحابوا
Mutual give you, surely you love each other (HR. Al-Bukhari in al-Adabul mufrad no. 594. The hadith is considered authentic by al-Albani in the book of al-lrwa ', no. 1601)
Likewise, the word he صلى الله عليه وسلم:
والعائد في هبته كالكلب يعود في قيئه
People who withdraw its grant as dogs lick back vomit. (HR. Al-Bukhari)
Prohibition withdraw the grant in this hadith indicates clearly that this grant is prescribed.
Similarly, there has been scholarly consensus on pensyariatannya. (See Durar al-Hukam Syarh Majallah al-Ahkam, 1/396).

Source: Hibah Dalam Prespektif Fikh, by: Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi, Lc, taken from As-Sunnah magazine, ed. 07 th. xix_1437h / 2015m, p 5-7

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