Legal Foundation Of Hizbut Tahrir

On Taisir Musthalahul Hadith by DR. Thahhan Mahmud, said: Hadith of the arrival of us there are two, namely Mutawattir and Ahad. Khobar Mutawattir is narrated by a group of narrators lots (each thobaqot not less than 10 people in the opinion of the elected) who by custom is not possible they agree to lie. While khobar khobar that ahad is not to the degree mutawattir.
The cornerstone of these two traditions into lansadan for the Hizb in dealing with Shari'a law based on texts of both the proposition qoth'iy and dhonniy.
Hizb stated in the book ad-Dusiyah things. 3: "There are differences between the laws of the shari'a and judge actions from the side of aqidah proposition.
Sy ar'iyyah laws may be assigned to the argument and allowed the proposition dhonniy qoth'iy except aqidah, because it should be set to the argument qoth'iy, can not be set to the argument dhonniy iota.
Aqidah should not be taken with the argument but must be sure, if the argument qoth'iy then deny it is obligatory to believe and disbelieve, but if the argument dhonniy it is forbidden for any Muslim ... believing it, it shall set aqidah with qoyh'iy proposition ... "
Hizb found aqidah is "Justification definitively in accordance with the reality according to the proposition", then set to the argument qoth'iy aqidah should and should not be the argument of dhonniy. They require the two sides to accept a message of faith or aqoid, namely:
- Ats-Tsubut (provision origin) should qoth'iy should not dhonniy. According to them khobar mutawattir is qoth'iy atstsubut while khobar ahad is dhonniy ats-tsubut, so khobar ahad should not be relied upon in aqidah.
- Ad-dilalah (designation lafadh nash) should qoth'iy should not dhonniy. According to them, despite the arguments of the texts of the Qur'an or hadith mutawattir that qoth'iy ats-tsubut not necessarily qoth'iy ad-dilalah, if the cause of the different interpretations of lafadh yaang the same, then it is said that lafadh dhonniy ad -dilalah and should not be used as proof in the case of aqidah. Thus the problem of God's qualities they think are dhonniy ad-dilalah and can not be the case aqoid.
They argue that it is based on speculation and conjecture sheer falsehood, departing from the Surat an-Najm: 23, 27 and 28, Jonah, 36 and 68, an-Nisa '157, al-An'am: 116 and 148, Shod: 27 al-Jatsiyah: 32,
Fushshilat: 22-23, Jin: 5 and al-Baqoroh: 78. But they are very weak, and the al-Imam al-Albany have argued in the article entitled Hizb al-Mu'tazilah al-Judud published in the magazine as-Salafiyyah no 2 of 1417 things. 17-23 and have been translated into as-Sunnah magazine issue 3, year III 1428/1998 M. titled Neo Hizb Mu'tazila things. 43-55. likewise in al-Hadith hujjah binafsiha, and others. [Read: al-Islamiyya al-Jamaa'at things. 295, al-Istidlal bidh dhonni fil aqidah.

Source: "Ada apa dengan hizbut tahrir, tanya jawab bersama Shaikh Salim Eid Al-Hilaly, Interpreting Abu Salma Al-Atsari, p 14-15.
Translated by writer
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