Meaning Of Al-Adziim
Allah Ta'ala Says on Al-Qur'an:
"... And God does not feel heavy nurture them, and Allah Almighty Sovereign again." (QS. Al-Baqarah / 2: 255)
Allah عزوجل, belongs to Him all the nature and significance that requires his majesty. No creature can praise Him properly and no one was able to spend a compliment to him. In fact, He praised himself, and all the praise given his servant. Know that all the greatness meaning that it only remains for Allah عزوجل there are two parts:
The first part: That he is with all the attributes of perfection. His belonging to the perfection of the most perfect, most substantial and most extensive. For him covering science (everything), power has been completed, as well as the majesty and greatness. Most of the signs of his greatness is that the heavens and the earth in the palm of the hands of ar-Rahmaan smaller than a mustard seed, as said Ibn 'Abbas رضي الله عنهما and others.
Word of God
"And they do not glorify God with proper exaltation, while the earth entirely within his grasp on the Day of Resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand ..." (QS. Az-Zumar / 39: 67)
And His word:
"Allah restrain the heavens and the earth lest disappeared; and indeed if both will vanish, no one can resist both besides Allah ..." (Qur'an, Fatir / 35: 41)
He is the Most High again Almighty says:
"Almost might the heavens broke out of ten it (because of the greatness Rabb) ..." (QS. Asy-Syuura: 5). '
God عزوجل possess greatness and majesty. Two properties that no one is able to measure and no one could get to the essence.
The second part: Most of the meaning of His greatness, that no one had a right being raised as God عزوجل raised. Already back to God for all His servants raise with the heart, tongue, and their limbs. Namely, earnestly to know Him, to love Him, humiliating themselves to him, inkisar (weak) in front of him, subject to his greatness, fear Him, using spoken to praise him, and limb to give thanks and worship Him. Including raising Him was that He feared (with the attitude of taqwa) with His true piety to Him. He obeyed and not disobeyed, remembered and not forgotten, and be thankful and not dikufuri. Among the forms of raising him is bringing up all that is forbidden him (to leave), which disyari'atkan him (to practice it) at any time, place, and every activity.
The Word of God:
"That (the command of Allah). And whoever exalts syi'ar-syi'ar Allah, then indeed it arises from the piety of the heart" (QS. Al-Hajj / 22: 32)
His word again:
"That (the command of Allah). And whoever exalts what is terbormat Allah, then it is better for him at the side of his Lord ..." (QS. Al-Hajj / 22: 30)
Including raising Him is that He is not disputed (criticized) on something that is created and ruled.
Source: Al-'Azhiim, Al-Majiid dan Al-Kabiir Yang Maha Agung, Maha Mulia dan Maha Besar,, Shaykh Dr. Said bin Ali bin al-Qahthani Wahf, Syarah Names of God in Islam Copied from it. 88-92, Publication Library Imam ash-Shafi'i
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