Menstrual Age By Scholars
Menstrual age is usually between 12 to 50 years and the possibility of a woman already get your period before age 12, or still get your period after the age of 50 years.
It all depends on the conditions, the environment and climate that influence it. The scholars, divided as to whether there are restrictions special for menstrual age, in which a woman does not get your period before or after that age?
Ad Darimi, after mentioning the opinions on this issue, said: "this is all, in my opinion wrong. Therefore, the reference is the presence of blood. No matter how it is, under the condition however, and at any age, blood shall be judged as menstrual blood and only Allah the All-knowing ".
Ad Darimi opinion is correct and a choice Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
So whenever a woman getting menstrual blood meant she had her period, though he was not yet up to 9 years of age or over 50 years.
For Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger associate menstruation laws on the presence of blood. So in this issue, shall refer to the presence of blood that has been relied upon law. The restrictions on the above issue, none proposition that demonstrate this.
In the discussion of menstruation period is the 'scholars differed in determining the period or duration of menstruation. There are about six or seven opinions in this regard. Ibn Al Mundhir said: "There is a group who found the menstrual period is no limit on how many days the minimum or maximum". This opinion as the opinion Ad Darimi above and a choice Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. And that is really based on the Qur'an, Sunnah and logic.
Word of Allah wa Subhaanahu ta'aala: "They ask thee concerning women. Say: "it is a dirt menstruation", therefore, be ye abstain from the woman at the time of menstruation, and do not approach them, before they are holy ... "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 222)
In this verse, which serve God as the deadline for the ban is holiness, not passing day and a night, or three days, or fifteen days. This shows that illat (reason) legal (prohibition marriage with wife) is menstruation, ie the presence or absence.
So, if there is menstrual then apply law and if it is sacred (not menstruating) no longer apply the laws of menstruation.
Narrated in Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet Muhammad shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said to Aisha that getting your period when in a state of Ihram for Umrah:
"افعلي ما یفعل الحاج غير أن لا تطوفي بالبيت حتى تطهري"
"Do what the pilgrims, just do not do tawaf Kaaba before ye holy "(HR. Muslim: 4/30)
Aisha said: "Once you sign the feast of sacrifice, then I am holy".
In Saheeh Al-Bukhari,
narrated that the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said to Aisha:
"انتظري, فإذا طهرت فاخرجي إلى التنعيم"
"Wait, if you're a saint, then out to Tan'im".
In this hadith, the Prophet made shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam as the deadline for the ban is holiness, not a certain period, this suggests that the law relating to menstruation, the presence and absence. Logic or qiyas correct and general in nature.
Namely, that Allah makes illat (reason) menstruation as dirt. So when menstruation is there, means one dirt there. There was no difference between the second day with the first day, the fourth day of the third day. Also there is no difference between the sixteenth to the fifteenth or eighteenth day by day to seventeen. Menstruation is a period and dirt is dirt. In these two days are the same illat. If so, how is it possible to distinguish in law between the day, when the two are in illat? Do not you think Qiyas true that these two days are equal in law because of the similarity both in illat ?
Their differences and disagreement among scholars that provide limits indicate that in this matter there are no arguments to be used as a benchmark. But it is the laws of ijtihad can go wrong and can also be right, there is no one opinion that more should be followed from the other. And the reference in the event of disagreement is the Qur'an and Sunnah. If it turns out it has been argued there is no minimum limit or a maximum of menstruation is a strong opinion and that rajih, then please be aware that every time she saw the blood naturally and not caused injury or another, it means that blood menstrual blood, without considering the time or age. Unless the blood discharge it continuously without stopping or pausing just like a day or two days a month, then the blood is the blood istihadhah and described Inshallah, about istihadhah and its laws.
Age and Menstrual Period Source: "Darah Kebiasaan Wanita", by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al'Utsaimin, translator Muhammad Yusuf Harun, p 6-11
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