Pregnant Women Who Menstruate (Haid)

If not postpartum blood, whether it included the menstrual blood that applies to him the laws of menstruation or so-called dirty blood that the law does not like the laws of menstrual blood? there are differences of opinion among the scholars on this issue and opinion is correct, that the last blood is menstrual blood if it occurs in women in their menstrual period.
Because, in principle, blood coming out of a woman's uterus during the menstrual blood is no reason to reject as menstrual blood and there is no information in the Qur'an and Sunnah which reject the possibility of menstruation in pregnant women. This is the opinion of Imam Malik and Shafi'i As, also a choice of Shaykh al-Islam Ibni Taymiyyah. Mentioned in the book Al ikhtiyar (page 30): . Thus, it happene"And declared by Al Baihaqi according to one history as the opinion of Imam Ahmad, even stated that Imam Ahmad had returned to this opinion"d in a pregnant woman when menstruation, as well as what happens to women who are not pregnant,
Divorce or Thalaq forbidden (divorce) non-pregnant women in a state of menstruation, but it is not forbidden to pregnant women. For talaq (divorce) in a state of menstruation on women who violate the word of Allah wa Subhaanahu ta'aala: "... if ye divorce women then let you divorce them when they can (face) iddahnya (reasonable) (QS. Ath- Thalq: 1) As for divorce a pregnant woman in a state of menstruation does not violate the word of Allah wa Subhaanahu ta'aala. Therefore, pregnant women who divorce means she divorced him when in the face of future iddahnya, either in a state of menstruation or holy, because they are in the gestation period iddahnya. For that reason, pregnant women are not prohibited divorce, even after doing jima '(intercourse), and different legal nonpregnant woman. Both the waiting period. For pregnant women iddahnya ends in childbirth, although once menstruation when pregnant or not. Based on the word of Allah wa Subhaanahu ta'aala: "The women who are pregnant, their waiting period of time that is until they give birth abortion" (QS. Ath Thalaq: 4).
Menstruation Pregnant Women Source: "Darah Kebiasaan Wanita", by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al'Utsaimin, translator Muhammad Yusuf Harun, p 11-12
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