Problem Of Water For Wudhu

So what happens if the water if it is used for everyday purposes mainly perform ablution?
It is clear that the water used for water purification ritual that is sacred and when using water that is not pure then there goes one of the requirements of the ablution water.
In some traditions it is the sacred nature of water and purify nor unclean,
From Abu Said Al-Khudry Radliyallaahu 'anhu that the Prophet Shallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily (essence) is sacred and purifying water, there is nothing that is defiled." Issued by Imam Three and judged authentic by Ahmad.
but in the process there is a change either because of human activities or due to natural factors that change the taste, smell and color.
According to a hadith narrated by Al-Bayhaqi: "Water is sacred and purifying unless he changes the smell, taste or color with an unclean that goes in it."
If the case back to the nature of water and the water that had changed and unclean can return as long as the sacred use of science.
And what about the case of several mosques that have low water quality?
Indeed, it can happen in a mosque near mining areas, industrial areas and densely populated areas. Water flowing from the mosque are of inferior quality because it is mixed with lead and other substances. So that the flavor and the color changed.
It would be nice not be allowed because the law does not apply rukhsak continuously eliminating the nature of the law itself. As tolerate the use of poor quality water for ablution continuously so do not want to use the clear water.
Science develops technology included in the filtering water.If not afford to buy the machine filter, then there is a filter tool made of simple materials, namely stone, gravel, sand and sponge always learned in school period. Can be used on the channel basin or catchment.
Certainly the use of science is very important because it can support ukhrawi value and fulfill the pillars of worship included in the purification ritual