The Biography Of Saykh Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani

He is Shaykh Taqiyuddin bin Ibrahim bin Ismail Rahimahullah an-Nabhani, an Islamic thinker who is affected by the sound belief Asha'ira, Maturidiyah and Mu'tazila. He is the grandson of a shufi ghulat (Sufi extreme) y ang famous, Yusuf bin Ismail's Nabahani, author of the book Jami 'Karomaat al-awliyaa' and Syawahidul Haqq fil istighotsah bi sayyidil kholqi filled with anomalies shufiyyah widely adopted sultanate Utsmaniyyah. Shukri Sheikh Mahmud al-Alusi have argued in Ghoyatul amaaniy fi Roddi 'alan Nabahani.
He was born in 1905 in the village of Ijzim, near the town of hyphae. He memorized the Koran and learning fiqh to his father, Sheikh Ibrahim an-Nabahani Rahimahullah. He is an alumnus of Egypt's al-Azhar University and has served as Qodhi in the Shariah Court, and in 1950 he became a member of the Court Isti'naf ash-Sharia.
Date December 10, 1977 he died in Lebanon to leave a bouquet that is quite a lot and work a reference benchmark and ideas of Hizb ut-Tahrir movement, including:
- Nidhomul Islam (Regulation live Islam)
- Nidhomul hukmi fil Islam (Islamic Government System)
- Nidhomul Iqtishodi fil Islam (Islamic Economic System)
- Nidhomul ijtima'i fil Islam (Pergaulan System in Islam)
- At-Takattul Hizby (Establishment Party)
- Ash-Syakhshiyah 3 vols al-Islamiyya (Islamic Personality)
- Nida'ul haar ila aalamil Islamy (Appeal to the Islamic world) and several other books.
The books on top of a lot of understanding menyelisihi Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah and influenced by the philosophy Mu'tazila. Most of the books above has been translated by publisher Reader Thoriqul and al-Izzah Izzah, publishers who spread the ideology of the Hizb.
[Read: al-Jama'at al-Islamiyya things. 287, Hizb Munaqosyah Ilmiyyah things. 10 and the Hizb case 27-29), and Mawsu'ah al Muyassarah things. 344].

Source: "“Ada Apa Dengan Hizbut Tahrir, Tanya Jawab Bersama Syaikh Salim Ied Al-Hilaly, Interpreting Abu Salma Al-Atsari, p 14-15

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