Basic Rules For The Committee Qurban? Where Permissible And Forbidden

I happen to be elected as chairman of the committee slaughtering qurban animals in the office. In some meetings, in the midst of friends committee often disagreement related to several things, both of which can and can not.

Finally we agreed to collect the materials which we differ and we ask the chaplain we agreed as a resource. Here are some of the questions raised, please answer.

  • Is there Qurban Committees in the period of the Prophet Muhammad?
  • What Can Be Lumped With notch Committee of Zakat?
  • Give Committee Honor Or Wage?
  • If permitted Given Wages, From Where Source Of Money?
  • Financial Resources Committee That Forbidden?
  • Why the Committee Forbidden to Sell Meat Animal Qurban and body part?
  • Do committee Including Own Animal Qurban?

1. Are there Committees Qurban in the period of the Prophet Muhammad?

If we refer to the time of the Prophet Muhammad, in fact we will not find a form of sacrificial committee as we know it on our own time. And in the future it is clear we will not find the banners sacrifices scattered around street corners as we see now.

Then the position of this committee basically has no special masyru'iyah foundation. Neither the Koran nor the Sunnah, they both did not mention based masyru'iyah this committee.

So, whether this committee be unlawful or heresy?

Of course the answer is no as well. Not just because in the Prophet something that no form, then we can arbitrarily sentenced heretics. If that was the logic, then the existence of the mosque takmir was heresy as well. Is not the time of Prophet Muhammad we do not find an institution that name takmir Mosque or Masjid Welfare Council?

So even though there is no formal referral, but the presence of the committee slaughtering sacrificial animals is clearly very important, because it helps people to be able to carry out the slaughter of sacrificial animals.

2. Position the Committee Very Different with Amil Zakat

One fatal mistake that is already circulating in the wild in the community is to equate the status and position as well as the functions of the committee slaughtering sacrificial animals to the position of zakat. And our job is to straighten these misconceptions.

It is obvious that the committee was not the same sacrifices amil zakat. We find a lot of points difference between the two, some are:

a. Amil Zakat Already on Prophet Age
At the time of Prophet Muhammad, even zakat committees already exist and it is officially appointed by the Prophet himself. In fact, the opposite is not just a committee of an incidental nature, but can be said to be a instutusi or official body of the country.

While we did not find the arguments of either in the Quran or Sunnah which directly ordered the formation of the committee. Although it is permissible, but we did not find basic masyru'iyahnya in the past.

Therefore, in most books of fiqh, we hardly ever find a chapter specifically discusses the duties and authority of the committee slaughtering sacrificial animals.

b. Amil Zakat Eligible gleaning
Rasulullah SAW formally appointed and commissioned officers as the country's official charity collectors. They are authorized to withdraw from the Zakat obligatory zakat. The parties were defiant and refused to pay zakat could be sentenced and his property be seized by officers zakat state official.

Meanwhile, the committee slaughter sacrificial animals can not be picked up or force people to berqurban. Because by law, the committee has no clear constitutional basis. Therefore, it would also not have the legal power to compel

c. Amil Zakat Given Right To quote By Sharia
And that most distinguishes between amil zakat committee is slaughter of qurban animals in the rights issue is justified. In sharia law, officers zakat is formally and legally been granted the right to get a fee, wages or salaries, the source is taken from Zakat collected.

Al-Quran is officially mentioned and ensure that the officers of this charity is one of the eight asnaf. And the scholars said, the rights should be allotted for zakat is the eighth part of the total Zakat. And the number 1/8 is quite large part, due to the equivalent of 12.5 percent. When Zakat collected 8 billion, the quota for amil 1 billion.

Do not take the wages of qurban meat

However it is far different from the rights of amil zakat committee qurban. In the Koran never mentioned the problem committees slaughtering sacrificial animals. And certainly no 'quota' special are the rights of the members of the committee.

But there is a history that the Prophet Muhammad had asked for help from the Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahuanhu and several companions to help qurban animals. If this is to be regarded as the basis of the committee, go ahead.

However it must be noted that as the 'committee', turned out to Ali bin Abi Talib and the other companions who were never given a 'quota' or honorarium for his work into the committee. Which is precisely the opposite of, what they do because it must reach the contents nombok own pockets to pay the butcher.

أمرنى رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- أن أقوم على بدنه وأن أتصدق بلحمها وجلودها وأجلتها وأن لا أعطى الجزار منها قال: نحن نعطيه من عندنا

Rasulullah SAW ordered to take care of his sacrificial camels. I give meat, skin, and jilal (skin is placed on the camel's back to protect from the cold). I did not tell anything from the sacrificial slaughter the butcher. He said, "We will reward the butcher of our own money". (HR. Muslim)

Precisely committee forbidden sacrificial quote, cut or take a 'fee', if the source comes from the animal's body that has been used as a sacrificial slaughter.

3. Can the Committee Given Honor Or Wage?

Since the beginning should be affirmed, why someone feels like to be part of the committee slaughter sacrificial animals? And why the committee was to be formed? What are the basic motivations? Do solely sincerely want to help without expecting reward, or indeed expects to part?

The second motivation was basically fine. People who became the committee and did not expect a wage or any part, would get a reward from Allah SWT. Because even if he does not run religious slaughter sacrificial animals, but for helping those who slaughter, will certainly miss his reward as well, although certainly not value for pet owners.

And they were so committee with the hope that can pay, basically not to blame as well. Because he would have to spend a lot of energy, thought, and time, for the success of the activities. If it's all done things that he wishes to pay, of course we can not deny.

Because the muadzdzin, the priests, the five daily prayers in the mosque and also the tutor, all are entitled to wages and salaries, even though what they did was essentially a worship. But if they get a reward for service and time, Islamic law does not forbid it. Even services teach the Koran can be used as a dowry.

4. If permitted Given Wages, Where Does the Money Source?

Wages for the committee may, reasonable and humane. But what should be noted is from the future source of money?

He replied that the source of money for the wages may be from anywhere as long as it is lawful and as long as it is not taken from the meat or the body of qurban animals. Because if the source of the animal, it is haraam.

5. Sources of Finance Committee of The Forbidden

The most fatal mistakes that have been made by many committees is that wages and honornya taken from meat or animal body parts. There are two kinds of wrong ways is already done.

a. Exceeding the allowable for Committee

A special committee was allotted more than the quota for the people. For example, the quota for the community of the bags of 0.5 kg, while the quota for the committee as much as 2 kg or quadruple the general public allotments. Then the excess quota of 1.5 Kg it is essentially a wage.

And rations for the committee's 2 Kg of meat when used as a contract since the beginning, of the law be unlawful.

b. Sell Body Parts and Shared Money To Committee

The second way is by selling the head, legs and skin animals to other parties. Usually butchers and makelarnya indeed come to buy. And all of it is sold and the money divided as wage committee. The reason, of the head, skin and feet were discarded, mending sold and the money for the salaries and wages of the committee.

This method was basically the same, namely to sell the meat and body parts sacrificial animals, but the owners had offered it to God. And of course the law be forbidden from two sides. First, forbidden for selling what already belonged to God. Second, forbidden for selling goods that was not hers.a. Exceeding the allowable for Committee

A special committee was allotted more than the quota for the people. For example, the quota for the community of the bags of 0.5 kg, while the quota for the committee as much as 2 kg or quadruple the general public allotments. Then the excess quota of 1.5 Kg it is essentially a wage.

And rations for the committee's 2 Kg of meat when used as a contract since the beginning, of the law be unlawful.

6. The committee is Not Owner of Animal Qurban

Sometimes there are people who make-making reasons that are not true. For example, the animals had to be 'reserved' committee, and the original owners, that is, those who berqurban, since the beginning has been handed over the animals to the committee. The status of the animals that have become the property of the committee. And as the rightful owner, the committee considered to be entitled to sell it.

Of course, the logic is very wrong and nonsense. Not true if you say that the committee is the owner of qurban animals. For the original owner never surrender the animal as a prize or free gift. The owner handed over the animals to the committee as a 'mandate' alias deposited. And as the party is given a deposit, certainly not suddenly become owners.

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