Islam Is Accused Bloody Religion, This is The Data And Fact

I have browsing on some sites, and when read they article about islam is make me angry and emotional. Because they vilify islam so bad. They say islam is radical religion, bombing, kill many victim, bloody religion and many others.
I know that's all not true, when i give some verse and hadits about real islam they reject and chided it because not same with nowadays. 
How i can answer that statement with good answer so they stop mock islam so bad?

Vilify Islam Have Exist From Beginning

Vilify Islam actual activities that already exist from earlier, ie since the Prophet Muhammad was sent first in the Arab lands. The Arabs Jahiliyah the endless sense to prevent people from get guidance. There is no just reason for them to vilify Islam, including personal vilify the Prophet Muhammad.

Sometimes they say Muhammad was a madman, sometimes they are witches, sometimes they poet and not infrequently they also said that the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW is obtained from many religious scriptures read previous divine.

So if there are sites that often disfigure Islam today, it's perfectly natural. Sunnatullah already have good and bad, there are believers and there are demons laknatullah 'alihi, and there are al-Haq and have al-bathil.

Of course, sites like was orchestrated by people who do not have faith, at least by people who mistakenly outlook on Islam. Our prayer that who knows one day Allah will give guidance to them.

Do not Be Angry Or Emotional

We do not get too emotional and pessimistic at this point. The case of those who hate Islam at first, and then get Hidayah and eventually turn a bully defenders of Islam, has been too much can be called?

For example, the story of the repentance of Umar bin Al-Khattab radi 'anhu. Before converting to Islam, he is the number one very anti-Islam, not only just a sharp tongue, even he does not hesitate to swing to kill Muhammad.

But if Allah SWT will have to give guidance, nothing can hinder. Suddenly Hidayah that penetrate into him, and he shall turn Islam.

Islam Not Bloody Religion Based Fact And Data

Actually, it's easy to answer the false accusations, or derision that Islam is a religion bloodied, ordered the murder, war, until they say that Islam was spread by the sword.

Maybe we do not need to talk to them use verses of the Koran, because of our own may be even not or has not been much studied the Koran.

Let's get them to a more real world, the world's facts and data. Let us look at the history of Islam, especially the history of the prophet Muhammad. If Islam was accused of blood thirsty, try to calculate how much the victim lives in the war, during Muhammad as an apostle.

Dr. Muhammad 'Emirate never done calculations, 20-an war that never followed by the Prophet Muhammad, fatalities recorded only 386 people. It also includes the victims of the Muslims and unbelievers.

Imagine, though there are signs that the war and ordered harbi kill unbelievers in the battlefield, in fact, lives only 300 people throughout history only a prophet. That number is very small compared with the number of casualties that occur anywhere on earth. Let's compare data victim of islam and other religion war.

Data Victims of War In Sirah Nabawi

If Islam is said bloodthirsty, or spread by the sword, let us examine more in number the number of victims killed in battle in the life history of the Prophet Muhammad.

1. Battle of Badr in 2 AH, 70 people disbelieve the victims, 14 victims of Muslim people

2. Operation Abdullah bin Jahsh year 2 AH, kafir 1 the victim, the victim is not Muslim.

3. As War-Sawiq year 2 AH, pagan sacrifice nothing, no Muslim casualties.

4. Operation Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf year 3 AH, the victim disbelieve one person, no Muslim victims

5. Battle of Uhud year 3 AH, 22 people disbelieve the victims, victims of Muslim 70 people

6. War 3 Hijriyah Hamra'ul Asad year, victims of pagan one person, the victim is not Muslim

7. Operation Raji 'year 3 AH, no infidel victims, victims of Muslim 7 people

8. Operation Bi'ru Ma'unahtahun 3 Hijriyah, none disbelieve the victims, the victims muslim27

9. War Khandaq years5 Hijriyah, 3 people disbelieve the victims, victims of Muslim 5 people

10. Children of War Quraidhah years 5 Hijriyah, 600 people disbelieve the victims, the victim is not Muslim. But in fact this number can not be regarded as victims of war, because 600 people were executed for reason do very much crime before war and worthy punished.

11. Operation Atik 5 Hijriyah, kafir 1 the victim, the victim is not Muslim

12. Dzi War Qird tahun6 Hijriyah, a pagan sacrifice one person, the victim of Muslims people

13. Children of War Mushthaliq  years 6 Hijriyah, there's no kafir victims, victims of Muslim 1

14. War of Khaibar in 7 AH, 2 people disbelieve the victims, victims of Muslim 20 people

15. War Wadilqura year 7 AH, no infidel victim, the victim muslim 1

16. War Mu'tah year 8 AH, no infidel victim, the victim muslim 11

17. War Fathu Makkah in 8 AH, 17 people disbelieve the victims, the victims muslim 3

18. The battle of Hunain year 8 AH, 84 people disbelieve the victims, victims of Muslim 4 people

19. War Ta'if year 8 AH, no people disbelieve the victims, the victims muslim 13

20. War of Tabuk year 2 AH, no infidel victim, the victim is not Muslim

That data is authentic victims of war in the history of the Prophet Muhammad over the 23 years of preaching, number only 386 souls, including Muslims and infidels.

War Victims Christianity in Europe

Compare this to the civil war between fellow Christians Catholic against Protestant sects in Europe that the number of victims reached 10 million lives. If it is said that Islam is blood thirsty, because the war has claimed 386 lives, and Catholics and Protestan battle brother and killed 10 million lives that we want to call it what?

French philosophers, Voltire (1694-1778), said that the victim lives of 10 million people was in the past, together with 40% of Central Europe. Think again, who is bloodthirsty?

Revolution Victims Bolsevic

In Russia to realize communism Bolsevic Revolution in 1917. And for that has killed 19 million people. After communism in power, has condemned the despicable about 2 million people and about 4 or 5 million people expelled from Russia. Do we still want to say that Islam should be the blood, and that communism is what we want?

American Atomic Bomb Victims in Japan

In 1945, Americans have drop on Hiroshima that killed 140 thousand people. While in Nagasaki the number of victims to 70 thousand inhabitants. They have not counted the wounded, sick and disabled for life exposed to nuclear radiation.

The bombing was carried out officially by the United States government under the leadership of Rosevelt, President of the USA at that time. For the first time in history, a major discovery of nuclear power is used as a weapon of mass destruction. That should be it Islam or American blood?

Victims Of Indians

Long before Europeans on American continent, there have been indigenous people who inhabit the continent's peace.

But in the year of birth 1830 Indian Removal Act, which allows the expulsion of the Indians in the interests of the migrants who were dominated by white. As a result, more than 70,000 Indians were expelled from their land, resulting in thousands of deaths.
Is Islam still spelled bloodthirsty, or the western United States is a bloodthirsty?

Victims of Rwanda

In Rwanda, approximately 800,000 ethnic Tutsi victims slaughter planned by figures militant Hutus, even some of their own ethnic Hutu moderate, in the sense of not against the Tutsi, also become victims of the massacre.

Victims of the Second World War

In 1945, the population of human beings on earth, there were 1, 9 billion people (1,971,470,000 people). In the time that happens the second world war, the number of casualties reached fantastic, not less than 62 million people, precisely 62, 537, 400 inhabitants. That same murder of 3, 17% population of human beings on earth.

And the war that involves a superpower at the time, nota bene Muslim countries. Shall we accuse Islam as a religion of war? Has the Islamic civilization gave birth to a world war?

Massacre Victims Jews in Palestine

Jewish terrorist groups Menachem Begin to its members, among others, Ariel Sharon, in 1948 once massacred 1,000 Arab residents of Deir Yassin, south of Jerusalem.

And when Ariel Sharon served as Minister of the Israeli Armed Forces, involved the slaughter of 3,000 Palestinian civilians in the refugee camp Sabhra and Shatila, Southern Lebanon in 1982.

It was not a war but a massacre. Forces ruthless Israeli Jews came to Palestine and opened fire on innocent civilians. Still up again we say Islam as a bloodthirsty religion? And if we still want to say that Jews are friendly, loving and gentle?

Serb victims in Bosnia

Serb forces led by Slobodan Milosevic's ethnic cleansing operation systematically in cities occupied during the war. At least 200,000 people were killed in the war four years.

And Herzegovia Bosnian Muslim population, since the days of the Ottoman caliphate. It is said the Islamic blood thirsty?


That data is authentic victims of war in the history of the Prophet Muhammad over the 23 years of preaching, number only 386 souls, including Muslims and infidels.

Where evidence that Islam is bloodthirsty and ordered the murder? All the accusations are not untargeted, artificial unbelievers that clever trick. They use verses of the Quran to find out reasons that Islam is bloodthirsty, they argued that raw, because at the level of history, never proven accusations.

Precisely life outside Islam is a life full of bloody

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