What is Khamar? Did All Alcohols Including Khamar
We all know that wine and alcohol that is drunk forbidden. But the question is whether the wine and alcohol that excrement?
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All scholars agree that it is forbidden to drink Khamar , because it has been forbidden by the Quran, Sunnah and ijmah clergy.
يسألونك عن الخمر والميسر قل فيهما إثم كبير ومنافع للناس وإثمهما أكبر من نفعهما
They ask thee concerning khamar and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some benefits for humans. But sin is both greater than the benefits.... (QS. Al-Baqarah: 219)
But the scholars have different opinions when talking about whether it is legal khamar unclean or not. In essence, scholarly agreed to enter khamar as excrement, but there are also some scholars who did not defile.
Does Alcohol Haram Or Najis/Unclean?
The scholars differed on whether alcohol or not. Some say alcohol is unclean because alcohol was none other than alcohol, so that all liquor laws also apply to alcohol. However, most scholars do not regard it as alcohol, so the law is different from the legal alcohol wine.
Jumhur Ulama That Said Khamar 'Unclean
Scholarly said that khamar was legal unclean, unclean as blood, pus, urine and others.
Essentially is the word of Allah is mentioned that wine was as rijs (رجس) significant harfiyah as unclean.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما الخمر والميسر والأنصاب والأزلام رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم تفلحون
O ye who believe real khamar idols gambled the fate gamble with an arrow is rijsun including acts of Satan. So stay away from the deeds that ye may prosper. (QS. Al-Maidah: 90)
In addition to the basis for establishing impurity khamar is Prophetic hadith that clearly states that this wine is unclean.
إنا نجاور أهل الكتاب وهم يطبخون في قدورهم الخنزير ويشربون في آنيتهم الخمر. فقال رسول الله r: إن وجدتم غيرها فكلوا اشربوا وإن لم تجدوا غيرها فارحضوها (اغسلوها) بالماء وكلوا اشربوا
From Abi Tha'labah radhiyallahuanhu, "We are neighbors with scribes. They cook pork in their pot and drank khamar in their containers. Rasulullah SAW said, "If you have that apart from theirs, eating and drinking instead of pots and their vessel. But if nothing else, wash with water, then allowed to eat and drink. "(HR. Ad-Daruquthuni).
This Hadith tells us to wash the container to drink them, if we want to use. That's because in a container that is often filled with khamar. Command to wash it indicates that the khamar is unclean.
Some Alcohol is Make Drunk So It's Haram And Unclean
Those who say that alcohol is wine rested their opinion on the basis that the drinks were lawful origin, will be so mixed khamar Alcohol. Whereas before mixing alcohol, food or drink that is not intoxicating, and are not haraam.
Because of the prohibition was coming after mixing with alcohol, it is precisely the point of haram located on Alcohol itself.
Therefore, according to this opinion, the prohibition khamar point lies precisely in the presence of alcohol. Alcohol that is in fact so that became the essence of the wine. Or in another language, Alcohol is source of wine.
So according to this opinion, all applicable laws on alcohol, automatically also apply to alcohol, even more mainstream. For example in matters of unclean, because scholarly defile alcohol, then automatically Alcohol was an unclean thing, even prickly unclean.
When the scholars said that wudu 'is void due to get dirty, then the people who wear perfumes were considered exposed to unclean spirits, so it's wudhu considered null and void.
But Alcohol Have Some type and not all is Khamar
While the notion that alcohol is not included alcohol, also has argued that hard to disagree. Among them:
a. Alcohol There Naturally In Food
Alcohol was found in many fruits naturally. Prof. Made Astawan, a nutritionist from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), said that every fruit and vegetable contains ethanol (one of the elements of alcohol). This element will be more dominant when fruits and vegetables decay (fermentation).
Dr. Handrawan Naedesul, editor of the tabloid SENIOR expert, said that each fruit has an alcohol content indicated. A clear example is the jackfruit and durian, a fruit alcohol level is below five percent. Fresh grapes Alcohol is estimated to contain approximately 0.52 mg / Kg.
If alcohol was wine, then what about all the healthy food and halal above? We never heard any clerics fatwa forbidding all foods above, merely because they contain alcohol.
And the reason is unforgivable is certainly not the right reasons, because if indeed it khamar Alcohol, of course, much or little should still be considered unlawful.
b. Alcohols Consumed
Among the arguments that Alcohol is not the khamar is in fact, alcohol is never consumed by humans directly. In other words, basically it does not drink alcohol commonly consumed, and people do not make Pure alcohol as a drink to get drunk.
People who drank pure alcohol, or at least 70% of its content as widely sold in pharmacies, he will not have a hangover, but died instantly.
This fact shows that not all alcohols are khamar, because alcohol has understanding is that if the food or drink consumed will not instantly make the drinker dies, but will make the culprit experience motion.
While pure alcohol does not make someone drunk, but died instantly. So in conclusion, Alcohol not khamar but poison. As a poison, Alcohol consumption is forbidden, because it gives madharat or endanger the lives and our lives. A discussion of unsafe food is a third criterion in the provision of unclean food.
c. Many objects Intoxicating Not Alcoholic
The notion that alcohol was not alcohol has also corroborated by the fact that so many objects that intoxicating, or belong to the category of wine, but it does not contain alcohol.
For example cannabis is burned and the smoke inhaled into the lungs, as was done by the marijuana smokers. The smoke that resulted in them drunk in a real sense. However, when examined more closely, both cannabis and smoke, do not contain alcohol.
Pills and drugs that are often used by drunks to get high, on average it does not contain alcohol content. Likewise, opium, methamphetamine, Ecstasy and others, the average non-alcoholic. But all the people who consume them will certainly drunk.
That is, alcohol may not be using this thing. And conversely, khamar not necessarily contain alcohol.
d. Originally All Hallows
If we look more closely, there is no single verse of the Koran, which forbids alcohol. Even the word alcohol is not we find in the 6000's more verses of the Koran.
We also did not find a single Hadith Nabawi which forbids alcohol, whereas the number of hadith of the Prophet could reach millions. haram mentioned in both the source of religion was only using this thing.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إنما الخمر والميسر والأنصاب والأزلام رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم تفلحون
O ye who believe, in fact khamar, gambling, idols, raffle fate with arrows, is included acts of satan. So stay away from the deeds that ye may prosper. (QS. Al-Maidah: 90)
And within the meaning of the language of the period, khamar juice beverage is wine or dates that have been fermented at a certain level, causing the symptoms of Iskar.
Then, how can we forbid marijuana, marijuana, opium, narcotic, and the other while these names are also not mentioned in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger? Is it lawful objects consumed?
The answer is certainly not. The reason is, these objects have a common nature and illat with wine, the intoxicating people who eat them. Since power of drunk why these objects are forbidden and also called khamar.
Wallahua'lam bi sawab