Arab Became Fertile, Sign Of Doomday

Nowadays has been a lot of words of the Prophet about the signs of doomsday proven. Including the rivers that flow in the Arabian Peninsula. And now, the rivers are flowing in the Arabian Peninsula.

People who pay attention to the Arabian Peninsula will get that desert, an arid and barren reaches 70% of the total. 

Our Prophet Muhammad gave the news that among the signs of Judgment: Arabia would back lush and flowing rivers, whereas before it was a barren stretch of desert plants are not overgrown. This is evidenced by the appearance of a mountain waterfall uhud.

From Abu Hurairah RA that the Prophet said, 

"Nothing will happen until the end of Arabia back into a lush and flowing streams, so that people who traveled from Makkah to Iraq do not feel fear but of lostness-or fear of losing direction and will increase road-al -haraj. "the companions asked," O Messenger of Allah, what is meant by al-Harj? "He answered," Murder "(HR. Ahmad).

From Abu Hurairah RA that the Prophet said, 

"There will never be an end to wealth increase and abundant, even if someone came out with the charity of his property, but did not find anyone who will accept it. And until the Arab again become fertile and flowing river," ( HR. Muslim). sources

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