Be Careful When Get Information, See The Source First
Incorrect principles
Most people have principles, as he followed the practice, doctrine or information, then he is free from responsibility. So when wrong to follow it, then sin will be beared to the source.
This principle is incorrect and contrary to the explanation that Allah mentioned in the Qur'an.
Among them, Allah tells bickering between leaders and followers astray
قالت أخراهم لأولاهم ربنا هؤلاء أضلونا فآتهم عذابا ضعفا من النار قال لكل ضعف ولكن لا تعلمون
When they go to hell all those who go to hell said later to the person who first go to hell, "Our Lord, they have misled us, because it bring us to them double torment of hell". He said: "Each one gets (torture) doubled, but you do not know."
People who already go to hell replied,
وقالت أولاهم لأخراهم فما كان لكم علينا من فضل فذوقوا العذاب بما كنتم تكسبون
And those who go to hell earlier said to the man who entered later, "You do not have the slightest advantages over us, so taste the torment because of what you have done." (Al-Araf: 38-39)
We can see, they blamed each other and even ask God, in order to torment his friend added.
God also told me, regret some of the residents of hell because they follow a perverse character,
ويوم يعض الظالم على يديه يقول يا ليتني اتخذت مع الرسول سبيلا () يا ويلتا ليتني لم أتخذ فلانا خليلا () لقد أضلني عن الذكر بعد إذ جاءني وكان الشيطان للإنسان خذولا
(Remember) the day (when it) wrongdoers bite his hands, saying: "Would that (first) I took a stroll together Apostles". () Woe to me; may I (first) did not make it sifulan familiar friend (me). () Indeed he had misled me from the Quran as the Quran it has come to me. And is the devil did not want to help humans. (QS. Al-Furqan: 27-29)
We can note their regret on the Day of Judgement, until they bite the fingers. They regret, why had followed his perverted teacher. Though already come very clear warning that indicates their error.
Source Is Very Important
Therefore, all believers realized, taking the source of knowledge, will be accountable before God. The principle whatever happens already borne teachers, should be abandoned. If he clearly deviate, defending the kufr, not again be used as a reference in the science of religion.
Muhammad first biin Sirin - tabi'in his cleric Anas bin Malik - reminiscent,
إن هذا العلم دين, فانظروا عمن تأخذون دينكم
Science is part of the religion, so keep in mind, from whom you take your religion. (Siyar an-Nubala knows best ', 4/606)
People who study religion, per se are building ideology. When the source of his knowledge of people astray, will be formed from his misguided ideology.
Therefore, we are amazed when a doctoral alumni of Australian used as a reference of religious knowledge ...
We are amazed, when the liberal man, used as a reference and asked to comment the problem of Islam ...
We are amazed, when defenders infidel, used as a reference in the field of interpretation of the Koran ...
Said exactly what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
سيأتي على الناس سنوات خداعات, يصدق فيها الكاذب, ويكذب فيها الصادق, ويؤتمن فيها الخائن, ويخون فيها الأمين, وينطق فيها الرويبضة, قيل: وما الرويبضة? قال: "السفيه يتكلم في أمر العامة"
"It will come to man years of fraud. Liars are considered true, while an honest person is considered a lie. Traitor was given the mandate, while the mandate is considered a traitor. At that time Ruwaibidhah spoke. "Some people are asking," What's that Ruwaibidhah? ". He answered, "A fool (a religious issue) is interfering in the affairs of society." (HR. 7912 Ahmad, Ibn Majah 4036, Abu Ya'la al-Musnad Mushili in 3715, and rated hasan by al-Arnauth Shu'aib).
Ya Rab, forgive us and save these people from deviations of the leaders astray ...
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