Doctor Malpractice On Islam

If a doctor malpractice, whether doctors should bear all the risks?


Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa ba'du,

Conditions that apply to the doctor, no different from the rules applicable to other professions. They are required to work in accordance with the SOP of each profession. And the name of human labor, would not be separated from error. As part of the imperfection of man.

However, the scholars said, when an error occurs that harm the client, the level of responsibility is measured by the extent to which conformity of its performance with the SOP. In simple terms can be divided into 2:

[1] If the doctor has to work according to the SOP, then he should not bear the risk that harm patients.

For example, a doctor has prescribed the appropriate medication dosage and standard operating procedures in effect, but it turns out the patient dies, the doctor is not to blame.

[2] If doctors do not follow the provisions of SOP and SOP management of patients suitable set, then he shall bear the risk of harm experienced by patients.

Imam al-Shafi'i said,

والوجه الثاني الذي يسقط فيه العقل أن يأمر الرجل به الداء الطبيب أن يبط جرحه ... أو الحجام أن يحجمه أو الكاوي أن يكويه أو يأمر أبو الصبي الحجام أن يختنه فيموت من شيء من هذا ولم يتعد المأمور ما أمره به فلا عقل ولا مأخوذية إن حسنت نيته إن شاء الله تعالى وذلك أن الطبيب والحجام إنما فعلاه للصلاح بأمر المفعول به أو والد الصبي الذي يجوز عليهما أمره في كل نظر لهما

The second example that no diyat, there are people who ask doctors to treat pain ... or artisan bruise asked to membekam or artisan kay for mengkay, or a father told him to circumcise his son, and then die because of this practice, while he was doing nothing more than what ordered, then no diyat for him and not be punished, if the intention is good, insyaaAllah. Because the physician nor the artisan bruise, they practice medicine at the behest of his patient or patients, who are allowed to handle both the appropriate expertise. (Al-Umm, 6/175)

This applies if the doctor has to get a license to practice according to the field. If there is a doctor dealing with parts not his field, then there is a risk a mistake, then the physician responsibility.

For example, a general practitioner dealing with acute illness that should be handled by specialists.

The evidence is the hadith of Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash radi 'anhuma, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

من تطبب ولم يعلم منه طب فهو ضامن

Who practice medicine, and he does not know well tentan science, then he shall bear the risk. (HR. Nasai 4830 and dihasankan al-Albani)

Al-Qodhi Farhoun Ibn al-Maliki said,

وإن كان الخاتن غير معروف بالختن والإصابة فيه, وعرض نفسه - أي لهذا العمل - فهو ضامن لجميع ما وصفنا في ماله

If the person is known to have expertise not circumcise circumcision, and he offered himself to perform circumcision, then he shall bear the risk with his money as we mentioned earlier. (Tabshiratul Hukkam, 2/327).

If the doctor Got Wicked Intentions

If mistakes made by these doctors because of malice, then do diqisas law, according to the level of risk a patient. If this error to cause the patient's organs were damaged there, then he destroyed the organ diqisas with the same.

Ad-Dasuqi said,

إنما لم يقتص من الجاهل, لأن الغرض أنه لم يقصد ضررا; وإنما قصد نفع العليل أو رجا ذلك. وأما لو قصد ضرره فإنه يقتص منه

For those who make mistakes because they do not know, he does not diqisas. Because her goal is not to harm the patient. But the goal is to treat the sick or decrease the danger of illness. But if the aim is to harm the patient, then he got qisas. (Hasyiyah ad-Dasuqi, 19/49).

God knows best.


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