The One Who Boycotted The Qur'an
Anyone Muslims will believe the Qur'an, loved the Qur'an, glorifying al-Quran.
However, perhaps there is need to realize that there could be a deed, which was contrary to the spirit that was inflamed when the action. The act is boycotting the Koran.
Yes, there are some Muslims boycotted the Koran.
God told him about the complaints of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to him,
وقال الرسول يا رب إن قومي اتخذوا هذا القرآن مهجورا
Rasul said: "My Rab, indeed my people made the Quran something to be ignored." (Qur'an, al-Furqan: 30)
Al-Haafiz Ibn Kathir explains, forms boycott the Koran shape vary. Starting from the most severe, to the lighter. Boycott the boycott was largely pagan causing culprit in the form of not believing it, deny its truth. As did the infidels, idolaters, and whoever becomes the enemy of the Koran to this day.
Ibn Kathir explains the forms of boycott al-Quran more,
وترك علمه وحفظه أيضا من هجرانه, وترك الإيمان به وتصديقه من هجرانه, وترك تدبره وتفهمه من هجرانه, وترك العمل به وامتثال أوامره واجتناب زواجره من هجرانه, والعدول عنه إلى غيره -من شعر أو قول أو غناء أو لهو أو كلام أو طريقة مأخوذة من غيره -من هجرانه
Not studying and memorizing the Koran, including a boycott of the Koran. Not believing and justify the Koran, including a boycott of the Koran. Not contemplate and understand the content of the Koran, including a boycott of the Koran. Do not practice, does not follow his orders or away from the ban, including the boycott of the Koran. Leaving al-Quran and choose busier others, such as poetry, singing, speech vain or methods that are taken from a manner contrary to the Koran, including a boycott of the Koran. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 6/108).
It is time, we are closer to the al-Quran. May not be the person who lodged the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to Rabnya, because we ignore the Koran.
If we want to be defended Koran later on the Day of Judgment, we should be Sohibul Quran, many people who read the Qur'an.
From Abu Umamah Al Bahiliy radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
اقرءوا القرآن فإنه يأتى يوم القيامة شفيعا لأصحابه اقرءوا الزهراوين البقرة وسورة آل عمران فإنهما تأتيان يوم القيامة كأنهما غمامتان أو كأنهما غيايتان أو كأنهما فرقان من طير صواف تحاجان عن أصحابهما اقرءوا سورة البقرة فإن أخذها بركة وتركها حسرة ولا تستطيعها البطلة
"Read the Qur'an because the Qur'an will come on the Day of Judgment as Shafi '(giver of intercession) for those who read it.
Read the Az-Zahrowain (two letters of light) that surah Al-Baqarah and Ali Imran because they both come on the Day of Resurrection like two clouds or like two clouds or like two gangs bird spread its wings. Both this letter would be an advocate for those who diligently read it. "(HR. Muslim 1910)
That Ahl-ul-Quran, which promised to defend the Koran later on the Day of Judgment.
May Allah give guidance to us in order to get closer to al-Qur'an
God knows best