This two things are the Best Solution To Face Life Problems!
Shabar And Shalat
Anyone whose name is still living on this earth will certainly face problems, because there are problems everywhere, ranging from under a bridge to the palace of power. From children to grandparents, all dealing with the problem. Principle, every soul has a problem.Allah Ta'ala as the Creator of the Universe already knows, and therefore also has prepared the best method to deal with any problems, namely with patience and prayer.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة إن الله مع الصابرين
"O ye who believe, and teach patience and prayers as penolongmu, verily Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere." (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 153).
Scholar Says
Aid Al-Qarni in his phenomenal book La Tahzan said that if the Prophet diimpa a fear, that he would soon perform the prayer. One time he said to Bilal, "my cool there in prayer."More Aid Al-Qarni explained, "If the heart feels suffocating, the problem was very complicated and inflatable deception very much, then made haste to come to a place of prayer, and Pray."
KH Abdullah Said, founder of Pesantren Hidayatullah in East Kalimantan once said that prayer is the best medium Muslims denounce any problem to Allah Ta'ala.
Prophet Guide By Shalat
We find a lot of history to which the Prophet at a time when prayer is extremely thuma'ninah and can be quite long, especially when he is praying alone at night. Even Situ 'Aisha once said that the Messenger of swollen feet because of the length of his prayers.All of it is not because he is complaining, begging, and hope to God that all Rusan associated with Muslims given way, given the ease, given blessing, so that Muslims could be the best people are able to become a model for all mankind on earth this.
When we pray to Allah through prayer, certainly not very elegant if done in haste. Should be calm and patient in the run.
وأمر أهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها لا نسألك رزقا نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى
"And give orders to your family establish worship and be patient in it." (QS. Taha [20]: 132).
So, prayer is not merely a ritual, he tapped into the power source and the siphon Divining for every soul is able to face problems with a calm, intelligent and solutions. For in prayer there is a period where God is very close to the slave, ie in times of prostration.
"As near-near a servant to his Lord is when he bowed, then increase prayed in prostration." (HR. Muslim).
Thus let us make the prayer as an important medium in our lives to truly close to God Almighty to find the solution of every problem we face. Not a ritual and less enthusiasm in the run.
Next Step Is Shabar (Patient)
In parallel with time of prayer, in the face of the problem we also have to be patient. According to Al-Qarni Aid patience is the ability to always tolerant soul, strong-willed, and has great fortitude in dealing with problems of life.In fact, there is no problem that can not be overcome with patience. With patience, no problems whatsoever, God willing, will tersolusikan.
No matter how big the problems we face, keep patient. Because the real victory will come along with patience. Way out came with difficulty. And, in every difficulty there is relief. Because the promise of God is good news for those who are patient.
ولنبلونكم بشيء من الخوف والجوع ونقص من الأموال والأنفس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين
"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. "(QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 155).
Thus, be sad, let alone despair. Let our lives coloring matter, anything and of any size. All of it is bound to disappear as we pray to Allah solutions with patience and prayer. Because if God had promised, it was impossible God does not keep them, rest assured!