What Is Mubahalah?

Word mubahalah [Arabic: المباهلة] derived from the word al-Bahl [Arabic: البهل] which means anathema. In Lisan al-Arab stated,

البهل: اللعن, وبهله الله بهلا أي: لعنه, وباهل القوم بعضهم بعضا وتباهلوا وابتهلوا: تلاعنوا, والمباهلة: الملاعنة

Al-Bahl means anathema. Sentence 'bahalahullah bahlan' means God melaknatnya. The phrase 'al-qoumu baahala ba'dhuhum ba'dha' means mutually cursed one another. Al-Mubahalah means Mula'anah (another curse). (Lisan al-Arab, 11/71)

Raghib al-Asfahani said,

والبهل والابتهال في الدعاء الاسترسال فيه, والتضرع; نحو قوله عز وجل: {ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله على الكاذبين} [آل عمران: 61], ومن فسر الابتهال باللعن فلأجل أن الاسترسال في هذا المكان لأجل اللعن

Al-Bahl and Ibtihal in prayer, meaning indefinitely earnestly in prayer. As mentioned in the word of God, (which means): "Then we do Ibtihal, and we set the curse of Allah on those who lie." (Qur'an, Ali Imran: 61). Ibtihal scholars who interpret with an anathema for most people when it's out of control, because doing anathema. (Al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran, p. 63).

In conclusion, Mubahalah meaning of prayer in the form of curse in earnest.

Mubahalah in the Koran

Mubahalah including one of the methods of propaganda mentioned in the Quran. This method is used to fight the infidels and the polytheists are arrogant, unwilling to accept the truth, remain firmly above the sleaze and error. Whereas been submitted arguments are very clear, which indicates their error.

Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to challenge Christian mubahalah those related to aqidah is right about Jesus. Because they do not accept the truth, after he explained that Jesus was not the son of god.

Allah says,

إن مثل عيسى عند الله كمثل آدم خلقه من تراب ثم قال له كن فيكون. الحق من ربك فلا تكن من الممترين. فمن حاجك فيه من بعد ما جاءك من العلم فقل تعالوا ندع أبناءنا وأبناءكم ونساءنا ونساءكم وأنفسنا وأنفسكم ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله على الكاذبين
Indeed, the creation of Isa is with Allah as the creation of Adam. God created Adam from the earth, then God said to him: "Be" (a man), then so be him. (*) (What have we tell it), that's right, that comes from the Lord, so be not thou of those who doubt. (*) Whoever disputes with the story of Jesus with the coming of science (which is known to you), say (to him): "Let us call our sons and your sons, our wives and the wives of you, our self and yourselves; then let us bermubahalah to God and we ask that the curse of Allah inflicted upon those who lie. (Qur'an, Ali Imran: 59-61).

Ayat Nuzul sabab

Al-Haafiz Ibn Kathir mentions the statements of Ibn Ishaq in sirahnya, that once the medina guest arrivals Christian people of Najran region. Among them there are 14 people who are leaders and religious leaders in Najran. of 14 people, there are 3 people who became the central figure: Aqib, title Abdul Masih. He leaders of the community, who decide the outcome of the public consultation. as-Sayid, he was the leader of the group. The original name of al-Aiham. And the third Abul Haritha bin Alqamah. Formerly the Arabs, then moved to Najran and became a bishop there.

When they arrived in Medina, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was praying for the afternoon. They then entered the mosque and pray with facing east.

As-Sayid and Aqib be their spokesman in the presence of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"You want to convert to Islam?" Asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"We have converted to Islam before you." They replied.

"Lies, you are not the people of Islam because: assume you have a child of God, you worship the cross, and eating pork." Replied the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"If Jesus was not the son of God, then who is the father?" Serombogan Christian people rose in unison to argue with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the question.

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam calmly replied,

"Do not you know the name of the child, must have had a resemblance to the father?"

"Yes, of course." They replied.

"Do not you believe, God who embodies everything, keeping and giving rizqi them?"

"Yes, we believe that." They replied.

"Does Jesus have one of the abilities that God?"

"No," they replied.

He continue his saying,

"God created him in the womb accordance He wills. Our Lord did not need to eat, drink, and do not berhadats. "

"Yes, that's right." They replied.

"Did not Jesus grew in the womb of his mother as the woman may be pregnant, then she gave birth as women give birth?"

"Then how can you believe he's a god?"

Then they fell silent, and Allah revealed the verse above. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 2/50).

Why should Collecting Family

Allah says,

فقل تعالوا ندع أبناءنا وأبناءكم ونساءنا ونساءكم وأنفسنا وأنفسكم ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله على الكاذبين

Let's say (to him): "Let us call our sons and your sons, our wives and your wives, ourselves and yourselves; then let us bermubahalah to God and we ask that the curse of Allah inflicted upon those who lie. (Qur'an, Ali Imran: 59-61).

In the above verse, God teaches us that when bermubahalah, one should gather his family, his wife and children. They brought in the majlis mubahalah, then pray for damnation for those who lie.

Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas relates:

ولما نزلت هذه الآية: {فقل تعالوا ندع أبناءنا وأبناءكم} دعا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عليا وفاطمة وحسنا وحسينا فقال: اللهم هؤلاء أهلي

When it comes down verse 'Let us call our sons and your sons' Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam call Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn. Then he said, 'O Allah, they are my family. "(HR. Ahmad, 1630, Muslim 6373, and Turmudzi 2999).

The purpose of gathering the family, children, wives when mubahalah and not attributing the adverse effects Mubahalah to them. Due to the adverse effects of anathema when Mubahalah, only the perpetrator. The purpose is to collect them more convincing and shows the seriousness of them to do mubahalah.

Christians Not Mubahalah

Hudhayfah narrates,

Aqib and as-Sayid to be their representative forward to meet Nab sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They want to do mubahalah. Suddenly one of them told, 'Do not mubahalah. By God, if he really a prophet, then he cursed us, we will not be safe forever, also our descendants. '

Then they offered to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "We accept your challenge. Designate a trustworthy person among you. "

"Well, I will appoint a person who is very trustworthy among us." Replied the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

The sahabatpun be amazed. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam pointed,

"Turn, O Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah."

When he stood up, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

هذا أمين هذه الأمة

He is the people's trust. (HR. Bukhari 4380).

Result Of Mubahalah

Mubahalah expression example, the A and the B clashed in trouble. They each claimed the right. When Mubahalah, they say to each other,

'By Allah, I correct. And I was ready to get the curse of Allah, if I lie. '

How is the result? Anathema will fall upon those who lie among them. Ibn Hajar said,

ومما عرف بالتجربة أن من باهل وكان مبطلا لا تمضي عليه سنة من يوم المباهلة, وقد وقع لي ذلك مع شخص كان يتعصب لبعض الملاحدة فلم يقم بعدها غير شهرين

Based on experience, people who do mubahalah among defenders of evil, does not survive rely more than a year since the day mubahalah. It was never my own experience along with a man of distorted thinking, and he did not survive more than two months. (Fath al-Bari, 8/95)

Ibn Abbas commented on the Christian Najran,

ولو خرج الذين يباهلون رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- لرجعوا لا يجدون مالا ولا أهلا

If anyone dares bermubahalah with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, of course they all would return, and all the treasures and family will be wiped-out. (HR. Ahmad 2264).

Siddiq Hasan Khan once said,

أردت المباهلة في ذلك الباب يعني باب صفات الله تعالى مع بعضهم فلم يقم المخالف غير شهرين حتى مات

I want mubahalah with most of them in aqidh problem about the nature of God. And those who deviate do not last more than two months, until he died. (Aun al-Bari, 5/334)

Acts Mubahalah by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Did you know, it was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad died in WC in deplorable conditions. His body was stinking, until everyone away from him. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad died after Mubahalah.

Shaykh al-Amaritsari Tsanaullah Ghulam Ahmad argue with. After Ghulam is in a losing position, eventually depat dipungkasi with Mubahalah. Shaykh said,

غلام أحمد من كان على الباطل أماته الله قبل الصادق منهما

O Ghulam Ahmad, who among us is above the sleaze, then God will soon be shut down before the upright (debate opponent) die.

What results Mubahalah?

Liars of them died first. Ghulam Ahlan dead in WC, stricken with cholera, and many people away from him, because his body odor that Sagat bad. While Shaikh Tsanaullah live up to 40 years. (Al-Qodiyaniyah, Ihsan Divine Dzahir, hl. 154)

God knows best.

Source: https://konsultasisyariah.com/23525-apa-itu-mubahalah.html

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