Learn Basic Meaning Of Syahadatayn

Shahaadatayn Is Islam Legal Terms

Once, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sent Muadh ibn Jabal, to re-Islam, a group of people who live in the country of Yemen. Before departing friend Muadh ibn Jabal, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to Mu'adh: 

"Invite them to testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that I am the messenger of Allah. When they were doing this (shahadah) then tell them that Allah has enjoined on them five prayers a day and night. And when they had done that, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them to Shadaqah their property, a charity that is taken from the rich from them, and given to the poor people of their "(HR. Bukhari)

From the above hadith, we can take that lesson to testify with two sentences syahadaah is a legitimate requirement of Islam. Prayer and charity, and then ordered them to testify after the two sentences syahadaah. If they do not want to testify, then prayer, charity, and other practices will not be accepted by Allah Ta'ala.

Meaning Of Syahadaah

Syahadaah means is not evidence. In this case, the testimony of then considered as a testimony when it has three things: [1] knowing and believing the truth affirmed. [2] Speak with his tongue. [3] Delivering testimony to others (Pearl Interest Book of Tawheed, Ustadz Abu Isa).

In oral testimony alone is not enough, as the hypocrites are threatened by Allah with the torment of hell. Hypocrites say two sentences syahadaah with oral, but their hearts do not allow it. Allaah says (which means): 

"When the hypocrites come to you they say:" We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of Allah ". And God knows that thou art indeed His messenger; and Allah knows that the hypocrites are indeed liars. "(QS. Al Munafiquun: 1)

Likewise, this confession is not enough to believe in my heart without saying. Uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (Abu Talib) is a person with all his strength, and his possessions have helped the missionary Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. 

Why was he willing to do so? Once he had to admit that the real religion is the true religion brought his nephew. But unfortunately a thousand fighters, until his life was in her throat would not say two sentences syahadaah. Finally he died in a heathen. We seek refuge with Allah from such a situation.

Meaning of Asyhadu Alla Ila Ha Illah

Asyhadu alla mean I testify that none has the right to be worshiped except Allah. In this confession there is denial (rejection) god besides Allah and determination that god is only Allah. It is a fact that in this world there are many god but Allah. 

There are those who worship graves, trees, rocks, spirits, guardians, and others. However all is not right god to be worshiped, only God worthy of worship.

Allah says (which means): "That is because Allah, He (God) the truth and indeed everything that they call upon besides Allah, is falsehood. And verily Allah is He, the Most High, the Great. "(QS. Al-Hajj: 62). 

Allah said (which means): "And whoever disbelieves in the god but Allah and believe in Allah, indeed he has adhered to a very strong rope." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 256)

Meaning Asyahadu Anna Muhammador Rasulullah

Asyhadu Anna Muhammador means I testify that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. Rasul is a revelation given by God in the form of law and he was ordered to preach the law (Syarah Arba'in an Nawawiyah, Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen). 

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "By Him in Whose Hand the soul of Muhammad is! Not heard my Prophethood one of these people, whether Jews or Christians, then he dies while he does not believe in what I brought, but it will include the Fire "(HR. Muslim).

Keep in mind, other than he was a messenger of God, he also has status as the Servant of God. On the one hand we have to love and glorify him as an Apostle, on the other hand we can not praise him too much. He said: "I am only a servant, remember: servants of Allah and His Messenger."

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam we can not consider having redundant properties, or have properties that can only belong to God, such as: assume he knows what is hidden, to grant the prayers, able to relieve our difficulties, and other -other.

Syahadaah must be applied

Look, if someone has testified in two sentences syahadaah, have the rights and obligations he should do. Among those rights is the illicit acquisition of blood and treasure. That is, someone who has testified in two sentences syahadaah can not to be fought, shed blood, and confiscated his property. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: 

"I was ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and establish prayer, and pay zakat. When they do that, they have to maintain their blood and property from me except for Islamic rights. As for calling them a matter of God Almighty "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

The obligation to do is:

1. The obligation after testifying Asyahadu alla ilaha illa

The consequences of testifying Asyahadu alla There is a mandatory leave of all forms of worship and dependence hearts to Him. All he must do sincere worship to God alone. And also, it must love those who have tauhid (just Allah ) and hates those who do shirk (associating another God with Allah).

2. Obligations after testifying Asyahadu anna Muhammador Messenger

People who have testified Asyahadu anna Muhammador He consequently it must allow all preached by the Prophet without doubt, do what He commanded, away from what he prohibits advance and honor his words on the word otherwise, to worship God according admonitions, not add a little teaching, and expressed the attitude of love toward those who adhere to his Sunnah and hatred against those who deny his Sunnah. And including also believe in him as the Seal of the Prophets and Apostles, there is no prophet after him.

In parallel they should
Islamic one was not valid if it is testified by one of the two sentences syahadaah only. In many verses in the Qur'an Allah unite obedience to himself with obedience to His Messenger. Among them, Allah said (which means): "Say: 'Obey Allah and His Messenger." (QS. Ali Imran: 32). 

Also in many hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam couple of obedience to God and obedience to His Messenger indicating that the two sentences syahadaah is to be coupled.

From here, the scholars conclude that a person is not legitimate acts of worship unless it meets two conditions, namely: Sincere and Ittiba '. Ikhlas is a consequence of the syahadaah Asyahadu alla ilaha illa Allah. Which means someone deeds will not be accepted if he goes to other than Allah, or if they interfere with the worship of God worship to other than Allah. 

One's deeds will be accepted if only to God alone. The Ittiba 'is a consequence of the syahadaah Asyahadu anna Muhammador Messenger. That is also an act of worship will not be accepted by God if he does worship in a manner that is not illustrated, and are commanded by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. 

Deeds will be accepted by God if to the correct teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So, the Islamic one is perfect and deeds will be accepted if someone has collected two.

Syahadaah Could be Cancellled

Two sentences syahadaah which was witnessed by a person may be invalidated if it carry out practices that could undo it. The practice of charity, could form the words, deeds, beliefs, or doubt. Many practices that could cancel the two sentences syhadat so be aware and wary. Keep separate discussion to talk about veto-canceling syahadaah.

Thus this brief discussion. May God keep us from hypocrisy and disbelief. And hopefully we can pray sincerely for Allah alone and be able to follow the guidance of His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [Muhammad Entity Hr *]
At Tawhid editions VII / 12

By: Muhammad Entity Hr.
* The author is a student Mahad al-'Ilm Yogyakarta, became the leader Mahad Umar Bin Khattab, and are now studying S1 Regional and Urban Planning Department of Architecture University.

source: http://buletin.muslim.or.id/aqidah/makna-dua-kalimat-syahadat

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